[Netflix] [二戰] 呼喚奇蹟的光 (All the Light We Cannot See)

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2023-11-09 23:25:57

故事發生在第二次世界大戰期間的德佔法國,一位名為瑪麗-洛爾·勒布朗(Marie-Laure LeBlanc)的法裔失明女子和一位名為維爾納·芬寧(Werner Pfennig)、在戰爭期間被迫參軍的德裔士兵在戰爭期間的經歷意外交纏。

Aria Mia Loberti as Marie-Laure LeBlanc, a blind French teenage girl and the daughter of Daniel LeBlanc

Louis Hofmann as Unterfeldwebel Werner Pfennig, a young German boy who eventually becomes a soldier specializing in detecting and tracking radio frequencies.

Mark Ruffalo as Daniel LeBlanc, father of Marie-Laure and a locksmith at the Museum of Natural History in Paris
2023-11-10 00:40:31
Louis Hofmann 成日做二戰戲
2023-11-10 02:32:21
2023-11-10 08:33:45
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