歌手「 周殷廷 」 涉串謀網上詐騙數百名毒犯及單身人士受騙

1001 回覆
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2023-11-05 13:54:44
2023-11-05 13:54:44
probably not as many as you bro.
2023-11-05 13:54:55
thank you so much
2023-11-05 13:55:13
hahah that would be fun. ig live next time.
2023-11-05 13:55:23
hahah too cute.
2023-11-05 13:55:40
but you are supposed to be a fierce little crabmeat! shouldnt be scared!
2023-11-05 13:55:53
hahahah im glad you like the joke. hahah
2023-11-05 13:56:03
2023-11-05 13:56:13
hey there. love your acting.
2023-11-05 13:56:24
2023-11-05 13:56:28
2023-11-05 13:57:00
because I reply way faster in English. too many comments
2023-11-05 13:57:11
of course
2023-11-05 13:57:21
lets see
2023-11-05 13:57:31
hey what's up
2023-11-05 13:57:42
of course. check ig story.
2023-11-05 13:58:20
I know right. what is going on. I'm suppose to get destroyed for fake news....no wait..its not fake..you guys are indeed 毒L and 單身人士
2023-11-05 13:58:33
lmao that's how click bait works innit.
2023-11-05 13:58:53
Good afternoon YT 大哥
2023-11-05 13:58:56
oh wow. that's some yylam shit.
2023-11-05 13:59:29
I dont stay in sai kung unfortunately. I love the vibe though.
2023-11-05 13:59:44
2023-11-05 14:00:18
soon. I'll see you there.
2023-11-05 14:00:28
how are you.
2023-11-05 14:00:42
thank you so much. make sure you force your families and friends too.
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