#آرمیتا_گراوند is a champion. The hero of all of us.
A brave girl who refused to submit to the slavery laws of an anti-women government despite all the cameras, guidance patrols and killings. Armita's only crime was that she did not wear the headscarf of an ISIS government from home to school and did not wear the mandatory hijab. She chose to go out without a scarf. He chose not to give place to the inhumane law that violated his rights and gave his sweet life for the path he had chosen. Armita is proud and the chador-clad government and officials of the system are disgraced.
Let's write about Armita Ground. Let's be proud of Armita and keep her name famous. Armitas are the thorn in the side of the government and the criminals of the government are afraid of them. The government likes us to be silent, to forget and to get used to it. Let's not let them trample the blood of the armed forces of the country in silence and oblivion. Don't let us get used to getting used to it. Paste his picture everywhere. Let's shout his name and support the Iranian army and their struggle to get their most obvious human rights.