基本上你該稅務年度(預計)有183日喺英國就已經deem to be tax resident
UK tests
You may be resident under the automatic UK tests if:
。you spent 183 or more days in the UK in the tax year
。your only home was in the UK for 91 days or more in a row - and you visited or stayed in it for at least 30 days of the tax year
。you worked full-time in the UK for any period of 365 days and at least one day of that period was in the tax year you’re checking
仲有mpf個部分你都要包括埋落去, 所以好撚傷, UK TAX + NI + MPF around 37.5%
要唔要我upload張 HMRC 張payslip畀你睇下
Miz2023-10-11 06:24:58
not really
其實香港都要報,香港睇source of income ,之後claim Full or Partial Exemption of Income or Tax Credit
The charging of salaries tax in Hong Kong is based on the territorial concept. This means that all income arising in or derived from Hong Kong from an office, employment or any pension is assessable irrespective of whether tax on that income has been paid in other jurisdictions.
If you are an employee and your source of employment is in Hong Kong, your full income is chargeable to salaries tax even if some of your duties are performed outside of Hong Kong. However, you may claim exemption or relief on a year-by-year basis under certain circumstances.
你畀返啲evidence佢就得㗎喇, 連埋入境嗰張機票, 仲有paye basic tools Gen 出嚟嘅payslip and p60, 全部郵寄返去
真俊華2023-10-11 06:34:10
但香港稅同 HK/UK tax treaty 我都可以講下
你嘅 employment 係 sourced in HK
你可以向香港稅局申請入息豁免 - no services rendered in hk
(Depends on uk 點define tax resident)
你可以睇下 HK/UK tax treaty 幫唔幫到你
Article 14 - Income from Employment paragraph 2
Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, remuneration derived by a resident of a Contracting Party in respect of an employment exercised in the other Contracting Party shall be taxable only in the first-mentioned Party if:
(a)the recipient is present in the other Party for a period or periods not exceeding in the aggregate 183 days in any twelve-month period commencing or ending in the taxable period concerned, and
(b)the remuneration is paid by, or on behalf of, an employer who is not a resident of the other Party, and
(c)the remuneration is not borne by a permanent establishment which the employer has in the other Party, and
(d)the remuneration is taxable in the first-mentioned Party according to the laws in force in that Party.
真俊華2023-10-11 06:35:54
60-day rule is applicable to services rendered in Hong Kong during visit.