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2023-10-09 13:16:01
力入れたが…3カ月で利用者ゼロ 群馬県企画「リトリート旅」売れず






2023-10-09 13:17:00

我為此付出了很多努力,但是... 3個月內零使用者群馬縣專案「撤退之旅」不賣

群馬縣6日宣佈,三個月來首次在主要旅遊網站上提供一項「靜修3晚旅行」旅遊計劃,以促進遊客通過長期停留溫泉度假村治癒身心的「撤退」旅行,沒有一個賣出去。 縣政府已將創建「靜修聖地」定位為其發展縣和改善縣居民幸福感的關鍵戰略的三大支柱之一,山本一田知事說:“這是非常令人遺憾的,我們想反思並使其得到適當的使用。

為了提高溫泉度假村的吸引力並延長住宿天數,該縣於2022財年在包括草津在內的7個溫泉與旅行社和其他公司制定了12個長期住宿計劃。 其中,草津、水上、萬座、大人、四滿溫泉的6家旅館回應縣政府的號召,自7月3日起在主要旅遊網站“Jalan”上銷售3夜4天的旅行。

在惹蘭創建了一個特別頁面,並在旅遊雜誌上刊登了廣告,但只進行了兩次預訂,兩次都被取消了。 包括劃獨木舟和登山在內的三個計劃仍在銷售中,但包括森林浴和秘密溫泉之旅在內的三個計劃在10月初完成。

儘管該公司為20~40多歲的壯年人群提出了“讓他們從繁忙的日常生活中解脫出來的旅行”,但旅遊經營者和旅遊專業人士指出,“可以預訂的時程表很少,因為他們是由導遊等外部各方指導的”,“四天計劃是固定的,因此不靈活”。 兩人最低價格為每人三晚約40,000~172,000日元,有人說可以出國旅行,三晚10萬~20萬日元。

據旅遊景點創作部介紹,該專題頁面在7月和8月的流覽量均超過3,000次,引起了一定程度的興趣。 未來,我們將準備多個計劃,並考慮針對目標受眾的公關策略。 在6月6日的新聞發佈會上,山本知事表示:「日本各個地區都面臨著長期入境和吸引富人等問題,我想在縣內創造和傳播有吸引力的功能表。
2023-10-09 13:17:22
2023-10-09 13:17:50

I put a lot of effort into it, but ... Zero users in 3 months Gunma Prefecture project "Retreat Trip" does not sell

Gunma Prefecture announced on the 6th that not a single "retreat 3-night trip" travel plan offered on a major travel site for the first time in three months in order to promote "retreat" trips, in which tourists heal their mind and body by staying at hot spring resorts for a long time, did not sell a single one. The prefectural government has positioned the creation of a "sacred place for retreats" as one of the three pillars of its key strategy for the development of the prefecture and the improvement of the happiness of prefectural residents, and Governor Ichita Yamamoto said, "It is extremely regrettable, and we would like to reflect on it and make it a proper use."

With the aim of enhancing the attractiveness of hot spring resorts and extending the number of nights, the prefecture created 12 long-term stay plans with travel operators and others at seven hot springs, including Kusatsu, in fiscal 2022. Of these, six ryokans in Kusatsu, Minakami, Manza, Oijin, and Shiman Onsen, which responded to the prefectural government's call, have been selling trips of three nights and four days on the major travel site "Jalan" since July 3.

A special page was created in Jalan and advertisements were placed in travel magazines, but only two reservations were made, and both were canceled. The three plans, including canoeing and mountain climbing, are still on sale, but three plans, including forest bathing and secret hot spring tours, were completed by early October.

Although the company proposed a "trip that frees them from their busy daily lives" for people in their 20~40s in their prime of work, travel operators and tourism professionals pointed out that "there are few schedules that can be reserved because they are guided by external parties such as guides" and "the four-day plan is fixed, so it is not flexible." The minimum price for two people is about 40,000~172,000 yen for three nights per person, and some people say that they can go on an overseas trip for 100,000~200,000 yen for three nights.

According to the Tourism Attraction Creation Division, the special feature page was viewed more than 3,000 times each in July and August, attracting a certain level of interest. In the future, we will prepare multiple plans and consider a PR strategy for the target audience. At a press conference on June 6, Governor Yamamoto stated, "Japan various regions are facing issues such as long-term inbound stays and attracting wealthy people, and I would like to create and disseminate attractive menus in the prefecture."
2023-10-09 13:19:03
2023-10-09 13:19:13
有冇人去過群馬縣? 係咪無乜吸引力?
2023-10-09 13:20:30
除左溫泉同埋山之外 好似無乜特別
2023-10-09 13:20:55
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2023-10-09 13:28:32
JR pass 加價
2023-10-09 13:29:20
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2023-10-09 13:31:13
The minimum price for two people is about 40,000~172,000 yen for three nights per person, and some people say that they can go on an overseas trip for 100,000~200,000 yen for three nights.

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2023-10-09 13:39:50
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞