作為個前鐵膠影下火車都係好正常嘅事,火車飛易買,用埋railcard 就算坐得唔多都有著數。Cross country 啲車舊喇,LNER有Azuma 鎮場就新啲。
聽聞23-24年會整個 Great British railways,重新國有化鐵路,令我諗起 yes prime minister入面 sir Humphrey果句名言:
Bernard, I have served 11 Governments in the last 30 years, if I believed in all their policies, I would have been passionately commited to keeping out of the Common Market and passionately committed to going into it, I would've been utterly convinced of the rightness of Nationalising Steel, and of denationalising it, and renationalising it. On Capital Punishment I would have been a fervent retentionist and an ardent Abolitionist, I would have been a Keynesian and a Friedmanite, a Grammar School Destroyer and Preserver, a Nationalisation Freak and a Privatisation Maniac, but above all, I would have been a stark, staring, raving Schizophrenic!