有果粉反映 iPhone 15 系列手機與部份尿袋不相容,插入後會反向為行動電源充電

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2023-09-30 21:14:01
啲尿袋唔跟apple standard 怪得邊個
2023-09-30 21:19:49
iphone 唔知,android 如果 connect 咗要用電嘅 accessories 係會有 option 俾 user 揀要唔要供電。
2023-09-30 21:21:31
好多 type c 尿袋係得一個 port, in 同 out 都係佢。
2023-09-30 21:27:35
So I picked up my iPhone 15 Pro Max this morning, and since I wasn't going home I figured I would bring my Anker PowerCore Slim 10K PD and charge it that way. Unfortunately, when plugging it in with the USB C cable, the iPhone decides to charge the Anker instead of the other way around.

I talked to an Apple rep, who submitted it to engineering, he did some tests (plugged in an Apple Watch charger to the Anker and verified it charged properly from USB C, which it did) and took some pictures. Right now the only workaround is to use a USB A to USB C cable, as it's only the USB C port on the Anker that gets charged.

Apple currently does not have a toggle in settings to disable the reverse charging. Seems like this would be the simplest solution, or if there is someway the OS can detect it's a power bank and to not try to charge it.

Just wanted to share and see if anyone else had a power bank that maybe didn't do this, so I can get a new one?
2023-09-30 21:31:45
I did 2 tests with my iPhone 15 Pro and my Anker PowerCore Slim 10000 PD
Everything worked as expected
- When iPhone battery level is 60% and Power bank is at ~ 25%, the iPhone is not charging (because the power bank must be charging, but I don't have any visual info about this)
- After I recharged the power bank to 100%, the iPhone 15 Pro was charging
2023-09-30 21:32:24
2023-09-30 21:33:52
2023-09-30 21:37:03
2023-09-30 21:38:14
咁都冇個option 去轉
用曬hardware 自動搞
2023-09-30 21:38:32
2023-09-30 21:39:23
2023-09-30 21:41:38
2023-09-30 21:49:26
2023-09-30 22:02:30
apple嘢就係唔俾 user control然後以最唔合理嘅方式操作 跟手 blame the user
2023-09-30 22:05:48
我覺得似tg問題 舊機都係咁
2023-09-30 22:07:43
2023-09-30 22:09:28
2023-09-30 22:11:37
Verbatim 冇事
2023-09-30 22:13:20
2023-09-30 22:15:25
android 有 option 可以揀供唔供電
2023-09-30 22:16:23
做咗十幾年電話, 仲要年年部機都一樣, 都要中伏
2023-09-30 22:27:08
DLLM 美國佬出A貨IPhone
2023-09-30 22:30:14
2023-09-30 22:38:16
最多就係CONTROL ON/OFF, 唔可以改方向架, 方向係2邊粒CHIPS跟LOGIC決定
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞