【飯飯之輩】阿仙奴23-24球迷討論區 MMDCCCXII

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2023-09-07 21:57:59
2023-09-07 21:59:04
2023-09-07 22:02:37
托哥一出手 其他隊根本好難爭
8年約 遲早輸俾通脹
2023-09-07 22:07:25
依單嘢柒喺佢個人ig公開含達,阿又肯陪車狗癲match offer,大家諗住情投意合
2023-09-07 22:11:53
2023-09-07 22:11:58
2023-09-07 22:15:49
2023-09-07 22:16:00
2023-09-07 22:16:32
佢可以死留 無人逼佢過軌
2023-09-07 22:17:39
2023-09-07 22:19:08
假髮嚟 嚟嚟去去都一個髮型。
2023-09-07 22:20:07
佢有前科啦 再之前唔知係咪利華想買佢
2023-09-07 22:21:39
2023-09-07 22:24:18
2023-09-07 22:26:18
托哥一出手 其他隊根本好難爭
8年約 遲早輸俾通脹
2023-09-07 22:30:30
2023-09-07 22:32:01
2023-09-07 22:32:02
2023-09-07 22:33:43
A series of Havertz runs and sequences in the United game that were not properly utilized or founded by his teammates.

Sequence 1A

Havertz recognizes Martinelli is freed up with space to cross, uses Gabriel as a screen to get away from Martial to go to back post, where he will have a SIGNIFICANT height advantage over Lisandro

Sequence 1B

Gets rid of Martial, just waiting for Martinelli to dink the ball to the back post along the blue line

Sequence 1C

Martinelli opts to take another touch instead and shoot - missing an empty Havertz on the back post

Sequence 2A

Recognizes Zinchenko needs help and there is space in that blue box

Sequence 2B

Zinchenko sees him make that run and plays it to Havertz

Sequence 2C

Receives Zinchenko's pass and turns and sees Nketiah coming in short to support him

Sequence 2D

Knows that Lindelof is glued to Nketiah, and space will be opened up per the blue arrow. Plays the pass to Nketiah.

Sequence 2E

As predicted, Lindelof vacates the space to mark Nketiah, and Havertz sees the space opens up in the blue box and makes a darting run. Casemiro, who's marking Havertz is a step behind. Nketiah needs a deft touch to flick the ball to the blue space

Sequence 2F

Nketiah opts to turn back with the ball and misses Havertz's run. Had Havertz been through it would have been Lisandro Martinez covering him and leaving Odegaard and Saka 2 v1 vs Dalot

Sequence 3A

Saka about to play the ball to Odegaard, notice the four respective boxes indicated the marking and attention our players have. Now pay attention to the top box, where it's Havertz and Martinelli 2 v1 Wan-Bissaka

Sequence 3B

Odegaard gets the ball and looks up. If Nkeitah plays that run per his blue arrow, he will drag Lindelof away. Now Martinelli and Havertz just needs to make that respective runs to make Wan-Bissaka's life difficult.

Sequence 3C

Nketiah does NOT make that run, congetsting the space Havertz was running into. Martinelli does NOT make that run and opts to stay stationary. Odegaard has no choice but to play a flat pass to Martinelli which was intercepted.
2023-09-07 22:34:17
仲要只係用 2M 買返嚟
2023-09-07 22:34:21
2023-09-07 22:36:43
唔算google啦 土超Big4
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