【MOT - ORTA遺臭萬年】列斯聯 2023/24 英冠討論區 (26)

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2023-10-05 12:49:52
2023-10-05 16:33:11
2023-10-05 21:56:45
2023-10-06 09:03:12
追唔到喇, 唔係得返好多場
2023-10-06 10:46:30
2023-10-06 11:28:51
2023-10-06 11:41:14
2023-10-06 13:03:00
2023-10-06 13:37:19
唔同呀, 果陣我地浮沉左咁多年, 又好難接手第一季就升既
2023-10-06 13:39:39
當然, 仲有36場 所以我意思係而家爭9分都唔代表d乜 曲線黎
2023-10-06 13:41:49
2023-10-06 13:43:46
2023-10-06 14:24:35
2023-10-06 19:14:06
2023-10-06 20:40:58
2023-10-06 20:42:48
Injury news: Shackleton is out of tomorrow (shoulder). Needs more assessment. Byram will be a late call but Farke hopeful he's fine for his third game in a week. Squad are training this afternoon.

Rodon is fine after his knock from Wednesday. Anthony is 50-50 (rolled ankle).
2023-10-06 20:43:30
Asmir Begovic's red card has been successfully appealed after being sent off for a tackle on Patrick Bamford.
2023-10-06 20:45:15
Farke says that if Byram isn't ready tomorrow, he is short of options at LB with Shackleton out. Says he'll either have to switch formation or play someone out of position. "If everything was so easy it would be so boring. We're working on some options." #lufc
2023-10-06 20:45:27
DF: "Not too much my topic. I do not have time or energy to spend on the loanees away. My players need all my attention and time, Not too concerned or worried about hose out on loan." #lufc

2023-10-06 20:51:46
Farke says he likes players to play in their best position. But he's aware that Rutter/Piroe/Bamford would all choose to play at 9.

Also says he sometimes likes to have more than one striker (or player of that ilk) on the pitch at the same time.

2023-10-06 20:53:17
Farke says that a player's ideal role can differ from club to club - based on what the club you're playing for our aiming for, what the system is like, how strong the team around them is. He says that at Swansea, for example, Piroe was "the main man".

Farke says he "loves" Piroe's finishing. But he wants Leeds to dominate possession so he needs good pressing against "teams who are parking the bus". Wants someone to stretch defences. "With all respect to Joel's finishing, I wouldn't say his pressing is the best in this league.

Farke says Leeds' set-up is different to Swansea's. "If our striker has to fulfil other tasks, he's not always the perfect solution up front. We need some other qualities. That's pretty important."
2023-10-06 20:53:55
Farke also says it's "unhealthy" to praise Rutter when he has good games/scores and then say he's out of position when he doesn't.

Last thought: "I'm just thinking about the team. I'm not here to win the golden boot. I just want to be successful with the team."

2023-10-06 23:28:59
Farke 風格幾好 好似好清楚自己做乜
2023-10-07 09:41:33
佢同a0 有排見
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