Lipton, 我睇到Bastogne先知佢原來只係sergeant
一直盡忠職守, 唔多野講, 諗嘅係the team as a whole,
班仔係度笑dike、學佢講野方式, lipton會幫dike講說話, 佢新來, 要同一班聲稱要march off to berlin and come back with hitler’s mustache嘅son of a bitch一齊打仗
, 佢好難獲得你地尊重bor,
另一方面又會私下同個仔講, 你扮得佢好似, 但以後唔好再扮
做咁多野lipton都只係protect the integrity of E company, 就算winters問佢點解e company有人死呢件事唔係由dike報告, 而係由你lipton出聲, lipton都只係打圓場話剛剛好自己在場
不過係bastogne打完第一日仗後情況比想像中更嚴苛, 連lipton都頂唔順, 以佢一直性格係唔會講人是非, 佢直接同winters呻dike係 empty uniform captain, 仲預計會get a lot of E company men killed
e company 終於等到救星戰神speirs, 事後lipton親自同speirs講happy to have good leader again.
Speirs嘅回答應該係對lipton最高嘅compliment, they(e company) always have good one
. Everyday kept them focused, kept their spirits up. 讚完一大輪lipton都唔知講緊自己.