加拿大CNCC 要45日內交proof of application,但booking 嚟唔切

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2023-07-28 15:53:31
收到加拿大 簽證request CNCC
佢要45日內交proof of application
但警察department 嗰booking 最快要去到9月19號先有
根本嚟唔切45日內交proof of application

我見佢封Request letter就寫
(Should you be unable to provide the information and/or other documents requested you must advise us in writing detailing the reasons why you cannot provide the information/document requested.
The above information/documents must be received in our office by the date as indicated for each item above. )
即係有問題, 要書面形式通知佢交去佢office度
求救, 點做好
2023-07-28 15:55:57
in writing email都得
2023-07-28 17:07:27
冇email address
2023-07-28 17:24:25
自己上tg group 睇
2023-07-28 17:26:50
老實講 visa 做得CNCC 你一定係中佬
2023-07-28 17:33:33
我冇TG group link
想入, 求link
2023-07-28 17:34:56
2023-07-28 17:43:16
2023-07-28 17:54:57
2023-07-28 18:17:17
講你就講啦,又引流入tg group
2023-07-28 18:21:33
2023-07-28 19:20:13
2023-07-29 08:45:30
2023-07-29 08:46:29
Use IRCC web form to inform them about your situation on your situation.
Click "Update or ask about your application"
Click "Add a document to your application" or "Other"
Fill in the form and update IRCC with your situation.

For my case, I added a document regarding to my booking of CNCC's application which is almost 2 months later.

Later IRCC replied me
"We appreciate you taking the time to inform us that you are taking the necessary steps in order to obtain the Certificate of No Criminal Conviction (CNCC) from Hong Kong that is required for your application.
The information you provided was forwarded to the responsible office.
We invite you to provide the document as soon as possible in order to ensure the process of your application continues as smoothly as possible."
2023-07-29 08:46:33
上狗總個網9 book再F5執雞
2023-07-29 08:46:55

Use IRCC web form to inform them about your situation on your situation.
Click "Update or ask about your application"
Click "Add a document to your application" or "Other"
Fill in the form and update IRCC with your situation.
2023-07-29 15:39:47
2023-07-29 15:42:29
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞