
1001 回覆
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2023-07-08 07:36:45
2023-07-08 10:56:13
Hifiman ef400依家仲入唔入得過
2023-07-08 11:10:55
2023-07-08 15:26:30
想買6xx 加個 earpad
有冇邊隻pad 推薦
或者問 其實earpad緊唔緊要
2023-07-08 17:31:12
zmf hd6xx pad
2023-07-08 18:10:07
2023-07-08 18:11:49
換ear pad會改聲,hd600我用開原廠pad
2023-07-08 18:12:05
2023-07-08 19:09:23
2023-07-08 19:35:37
2023-07-08 19:45:00
2023-07-08 20:35:53
2023-07-08 20:45:44
2023-07-08 23:08:42
用過一排 份dac唔差 amp好一般
2023-07-09 06:25:59
Open box 有冇refurb 到?
2023-07-09 08:35:42
Open Box merchandise are products that have been purchased and delivered to other customers, and then returned to Newegg. Open Box products are sold considerably under cost. Due to the varying quality of products returned to Newegg, Newegg makes every attempt to supply the original accessories for Open Box products. However, regardless of what the product description says, Newegg only guarantees that you will receive the product itself, accessories may or may not be included. Bear in mind that your open box product may not contain cables, adaptors, manuals, CDs, drivers, fans, etc. Additionally, the product may exhibit cosmetic imperfections as a result of its having been previously opened. Newegg will not send you any missing accessory, even if the accessory is required in order to properly make use of all the product’s advertised functions. While Newegg does not like to discourage sales, please purchase open box products only if you know how to deal with potential missing accessories. For products labeled as “Open Box”, Newegg accepts all returns within the product’s eligible return period. This applies to all Open Box products sold and shipped by Newegg. Shop with confidence with Hassle-Free Returns.
2023-07-09 13:11:44
請問ath m40x啲耳罩邊度買? 大約咩價錢
google左得一間68$ 有冇其他介紹
2023-07-09 13:44:24
2023-07-09 13:44:48
唔係呀 嗰舊耳棉呀
2023-07-09 13:47:19
如果你講ear pad, 有太多選擇。
留意唔同ear pad會唔同聲,買原廠就早穩陣
2023-07-09 13:47:59
原來叫ear pad 咁邊度買比較抵?
2023-07-09 15:34:02

2023-07-09 16:46:05

1F推ddmist: 聲音都幾 11/20 14:37
2F推asdfg0612: 好少看到這隻 11/20 14:41
3F推kumoneco: 原本也想盲狙這支,但聽說這支滿亮的就縮手了 11/20 14:51
4F→hdd60311: denon台灣代理對耳機這塊是不是直接放棄了? 11/20 14:57
5F推xdccsid: 哇居然有人買這隻,D7200已經夠少見了 11/20 15:12
6F→xdccsid: 只是真的要小心鋁框鍍層剝離,我的這隻18年買的20年就開
2023-07-09 16:47:03
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞