無知一問term hall咩黎?佢冇寫明確實會落transcript 只係寫may be entered
The Student Discipline Committee may order to impose upon any student (including graduand) found guilty of an offence, any of the following penalties which may be entered into the transcript of the student’s academic record:
a. reprimand;
b. community services;
c. making good, in whole or in part, any damage or loss to the property of the University, or of members of the University community;
d. suspension from part or all of the rights, privileges and/or the use of part or all of the facilities of the University for a specified period of time;
e. disqualification of results;
f. lowering the award classification by one level upon graduation;
g. suspension from the University for a specified period of time;
h. deferment of graduation or withholding the issuance of award parchment (for graduand);
i. termination of studies; and
j. any other penalties as considered appropriate.
Penalty g, h or i may be imposed only with the approval of the President or his designate.