我為mirror 作咗首團歌 希望mirror12子感受到我的心意

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2023-06-15 12:20:23

Mirror Mirror MIRROR!

Tiger Frankie Alton~

Jeremy Anson Lo Ian~

Stanley! Edan!

Anson Kong Show Jer Lokman~

Mirror Mirror Mi! ror! ror!

有冇ching 可以幫我編埋曲

2023-06-15 13:00:16
請問可唔可以作番首歌,向女團 COLLAR 致敬?
(2023年 7人團版)
2023-06-15 13:01:28
2023-06-15 13:21:42
2023-06-15 13:27:31

Verse 1:
I wake up in the morning and I look in the mirror
I see myself staring back, but it's not any clearer
I'm searching for answers, but all I find is fear
I wish I could just disappear

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Tell me who I am, once and for all
Is there more to me than what I see?
Mirror, mirror, please set me free

Verse 2:
I try to hide behind a smile, but it never lasts
I'm haunted by my past, and the shadows from my past
I'm tired of pretending, tired of putting on a show
I'm ready to let my true self show

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Tell me who I am, once and for all
Is there more to me than what I see?
Mirror, mirror, please set me free

I know there's more to me than what I see
I can feel it deep inside of me
I'm ready to break free, to be who I'm meant to be
Mirror, mirror, please help me see

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Tell me who I am, once and for all
Is there more to me than what I see?
Mirror, mirror, please set me free

Mirror, mirror, thank you for showing me
That the person I am is who I'm meant to be
I'm ready to face the world, and be proud of who I am
Mirror, mirror, I am who I am.
2023-06-26 09:55:35
Chat GPT?
2023-06-26 10:55:34
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