[做正經嘢] 一人一信舉報修咸頓支那學生打人

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2023-06-12 08:03:27
今日英國612集會 無論你咩原因 有去定冇去

2023-06-12 08:04:37



Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my deep concern regarding a distressing incident that occurred on June 11th 2023 in Southampton, where a Hong Kong protester participating in a street demonstration was reportedly assaulted by a group of Chinese students from the University of Southampton.

Subsequently, it has come to my attention that According to media reports, one of the attackers is identified as Zheng Gong, a student of your university, with the student ID 33981086 proudly shared videos of the incident in a WeChat group, raising serious questions about the acceptability of violence and infringement upon freedom of speech within your institution.

As a concerned member of the global community, I strongly believe that universities should serve as bastions of intellectual freedom, tolerance, and respect for diverse opinions. It is disheartening to hear about any form of physical assault, particularly one motivated by differences in political perspectives. Such behavior not only undermines the principles of peaceful coexistence but also creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation that hinders open dialogue and intellectual growth.

In light of these disturbing events, I kindly request that the University of Southampton promptly addresses this matter and provides a thorough explanation regarding its stance on violence and the preservation of freedom of speech within its community. It is crucial that your institution demonstrates a commitment to upholding these fundamental principles and takes appropriate action against any individuals involved in this assault, ensuring that justice is served and deterrent measures are in place to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

Furthermore, I encourage the University of Southampton to undertake comprehensive initiatives aimed at fostering understanding and promoting dialogue among students from different cultural backgrounds. By creating an inclusive and harmonious environment, the university can actively discourage violence and encourage the exchange of ideas through peaceful means, fostering a culture of mutual respect and tolerance.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will handle it with the utmost seriousness and commitment to the principles of justice and academic integrity.

Yours sincerely


Video: https://twitter.com/whyyoutouzhele/status/1667948602474233856?s=46&t=mWJh36bWHvH9R8UWJTjgRg
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