【日據時期】80年前的今日,日本海軍在中途島戰役大敗。由於總督部嚴控媒體,有關戰役的消息在6月10、11日才於香港曝光,結果自然變成日軍大勝。隨著日軍戰況日壞,日據香港的媒體報導亦愈見誇張。正如鄭明仁指出,部份華文報人曲筆描述戰爭狀況,使讀者心領神會日軍不斷戰敗。 [Japanese Occupation] Eighty years ago today the Imperial Japanese Navy suffered a major defeat during the battle of Midway. The news was not broken in Japanese-occupied Hong Kong until 11 June and was expected described as a unqualified Japanese victory. As Japan's military situation declined, the news coverage about the war in Hong Kong became increasingly exaggerated. As Cheng Ming-yan points out in his work, some of the Hong Kong Chinese newspapermen manipulated the details of their reports to give the readers a more accurate understanding on the course of the war. 參考資料 Sources:鄭明仁,《淪陷時期香港報業與「漢奸」》 (Cheng Ming-yan, "Hanjian" and Hong Kong Newspapers during the Japanese Occupation)