Cities: Skylines 自由度最大建城遊戲(14) 新版CS2 2023將推出

1001 回覆
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2023-06-03 02:56:39
2023-06-03 07:41:01
reddit有 cs2 leak圖
2023-06-03 09:46:17

2023-06-03 10:58:17
其實因為mod community太勁, 大部份諗得出可以做嘅improvement都已經有mod代替
預計反而好多所謂新feature都只係integrate mod community最常用果堆同一d QOL improvement
2023-06-03 11:05:43
2023-06-03 12:33:59
2023-06-03 13:21:43
2023-06-03 16:22:10
2023-06-03 18:04:27
Features of Cities Skylines 2 that might be in the leaked screenshots
2023-06-04 01:17:54
最期待係modular asset
2023-06-04 11:49:33
simcity 5 最可取就係modular asset
2023-06-04 11:52:54
2023-06-04 22:10:36
Public transport 現實都係蝕錢
2023-06-08 17:39:01
Same unrealistic population
2023-06-08 20:32:59
希望d mod 無痛去番晒2
2023-06-09 02:58:30
冇E3 , 但有Summer Game Fest
2023-06-09 04:24:33
2023-06-09 07:53:30
2023-06-12 02:03:49
Coming October 24th, 2023 I Pre-Order Now I Cities: Skylines II Official Gameplay Trailer
2023-06-12 02:07:55
2023-06-12 02:11:26
已經係 Twitter 一彈通知即刻上嚟
2023-06-12 02:12:05
2023-06-19 Feature #1: Road Tools Building roads is more flexible than before, helping you realize your vision for the perfect road layout. You will find a variety of new and returning options!
2023-06-26 Feature #2: Traffic AI Managing traffic in a growing city was a core part of Cities: Skylines, and for the sequel we wanted to bring you a more advanced system to make the city feel more realistic and alive.
2023-07-03 Feature #3: Public & Cargo Transportation An integral part of a city’s inner workings is public transportation. Expand as the city grows from buses and taxis to other transportation systems such as tram and subway networks.
2023-07-09 Feature #4: Zones & Signature Buildings Various zone types create the bulk of the city: sprawling suburban areas and apartment building blocks, busy commercial districts, noisy industrial parks and sleek high-rise office complexes.
2023-07-17 Feature #5: City Services Brand-new services join the familiar city services, and while basic functionality remains the same, they have more nuanced and complex mechanics befitting a more realistic city-building game.
2023-07-23 Feature #6: Electricity & Water Electricity and water are crucial for running a city. A lack of electricity or water leads to reduced Well-being, while a backed-up sewage takes a toll on citizen Health.
2023-07-31 Feature #7: Maps & Themes A brief comparison of map sizes: A map tile in Cities: Skylies II is smaller than its predecessor - but you are able to unlock almost all tiles, giving you a whopping total of 441 map tiles.
2023-08-06 Feature #8: Climate & Seasons In Cities: Skylines II we have a whole new feature in the form of Climates! It brings changing seasons to the game and makes each map a unique gaming experience with its own Climate.
2023-08-14 Feature #9: Economy & Production A closer look at the economic simulation, how citizens and companies manage and use resources, and how you can build a prosperous city.
2023-08-21 Feature #10: Citizen Simulation & Lifepath Each citizen has their own Lifepath. They either move into the city or are born there. If they are happy, they will stay in the city and eventually grow old and die of old age.
2023-08-28 Feature #11: Game Progression Game progression has two interconnected layers: Milestones that give you points for you to spend in your Development Trees, allowing you to unlock more advanced services.
2023-09-03 Feature #12: Sound & Music City Service building sounds, atmospheric sounds and the sound of traffic - all these elements have been expanded to give more depth, variety, and control.
2023-09-09 Feature #13: Editor A deep dive into our new Camera & Photo Mode tools where you truly can put your city into it's best light, and share your creations with others.
2023-06-12 02:16:01
我都係第度見到有 post,可能快過啲 notification。加上 Twittet 而家廢咗,Youtube 就唔知。年紀大咗基本上唔用呢啲通知,冇必要追。
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