2023-03-10 21:03:17
Any female honey bee is technically capable of producing male eggs, even workers (who are incapable of mating). The ability of female honey bees to lay haploid eggs that develop into fully functional males is known as arrhenotokous parthenogenesis, and all male honey bees are produced this way.
工蜂係可以生仔的 只係未授精卵=單倍體haploid 授精卵係diploid
如果理解到 講多少少冷知識
西方蜜蜂嘅其中一個亞種Apis mellifera capensis係唯一一種工蜂可以自行生產diploid egg嘅品種
而且上面授精卵出diploid = female亦都唔係永恆,因為蜜蜂決定m/f嘅係睇一組叫csd嘅等位基因,只有正常雜合子diploid先係female,純合子diploid會變不可育male,近親交配會增加出現csd純合子。
最後male只係出去同人扑嘢,學著明研究黃蜂行為嘅Seirian Sumner教授講 : male of hymenopterans 基本上= flying sperm. 而且male連後備糧都唔係,只係好食懶做只為交配任務而存在,繁殖季過後未成功交配回巢嘅會被工蜂驅逐出巢。
(利申 借用緊人ac嘅 LD50)