[BBC專欄] 除咗烏東, 俄國仲插手南奥塞梯 (South Ossetia) 分離主義, 鼓吹獨立及加入俄羅斯聯邦.

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2023-03-09 07:36:08
South Ossetia seceded from Georgia in 1992 and proclaimed itself an independent republic. Georgia and the vast majority of UN countries do not recognize this independence.

Both Georgia and international organisations often refer to the area informally as the Tskhinvali region.

South Ossetia saw a brief war between Russia and Georgia in 2008. Moscow subsequently recognised South Ossetia as an independent state, and began a process of closer ties that Georgia views as effective annexation.

South Ossetia is inhabited mostly by Ossetians, who speak a language distantly related to Persian. Most ethnic Georgians have been displaced from the region by the two conflicts. They had accounted for about a third of the population prior to the fall of the Soviet Union.

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