多倫多生活討論區 60

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2023-03-08 10:53:48
2023-03-08 10:59:55
到BUILD UP得黎自己年紀都大 現實就係現實 到果陣除非真係好有能力或運氣 否則又係果個問題 份好工人地請個LOCAL高學歷後生仔唔好
所以就算啦 隨遇而安
2023-03-08 11:05:13
2023-03-08 11:28:56
2023-03-08 11:36:26
2023-03-08 11:36:53
話說我朋友會喺嚟緊五月至八月出租佢downtown間studio 如果有朋友想一落地, 短租一陣先 留個tg~
2023-03-08 11:39:00
Ms. Corvers then offered to pay one full year’s rent in advance ($90,000) to demonstrate her good faith and paid an additional $7,500 security deposit. Bumbia agreed to these terms and Corvers moved into the home in May 2013. After moving in, Covers brought an application before the court to have the extra months of rent and the security deposit paid back to her, on the grounds that these payments violated the terms of the Residential Tenancies Act.

The case was originally heard in October 2013. Mr. Bumbia’s side presented an email he received from Corvers’ real estate agent, which read: “Alison will pay 12 months’ rent upfront.” Based on this email, the judge ruled that the rent deposit was offered by the tenant (and not required by the landlord) and, as such, it was legal. The security deposit was not offered by the tenant, so it needed to be returned to her.

Corvers appealed the decision, and the case went before the Ontario Supreme Court in February of 2014. Judge Frank Marrocco upheld the initial ruling stating that, though a landlord can not require a tenant to pay more than the first and last month’s rent as a condition of the tenancy, if the tenant offers to pay more money in advance and the landlord accepts the payment, it is legal.
2023-03-08 11:40:16
TG: betheoneblock
2023-03-08 11:40:46
Oct 2022 to Dec 2022 is it not 3 months?
Just report the rent you paid for the months in 2022.
2023-03-08 11:53:47
2023-03-08 11:57:09
2023-03-08 11:57:57
可以習得lv1 火球術
2023-03-08 12:02:15
2023-03-08 12:02:42

2023-03-08 12:23:18
2023-03-08 12:28:26

想有要條囡可以陪我行grocery store
放假一齊煮下飯仔 或者出去食貴野之後法國中伏
想接佢放工 聽佢呻返工有幾攰 老細有幾閪
冬天嗰陣 大家喺梳化攬住同一張被 一邊睇netflix 一邊摷佢
想畀佢屌亂買嘢 掛住返工、打機唔陪佢
2023-03-08 12:33:15
2023-03-08 12:36:18
2023-03-08 12:52:59
shit 早咗換蝕咗幾舊
2023-03-08 12:53:03
2023-03-08 12:56:46
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞