[NBA][Thank you 白膠& JRich !][Road to Victor] 垃圾刺22-23圍爐專區 4

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2023-02-22 11:53:22
2023-02-22 12:12:33
另外一樣怪嘅係佢殺人個隊友係喺凌晨1點幾問佢借槍 正常人應該點都覺得怪啩
2023-02-23 03:50:46

/But following his team’s fourteenth consecutive loss last week, a record-setting streak of futility for the franchise, a switch seemed to have been flipped. Pop stopped short of calling the Spurs’ 120-110 dud against the Charlotte Hornets last Wednesday “pathetic” (his go-to description of poor showings over the years) because proper perspective wouldn’t allow it. But the canned answers he’s often given this season — variations of ‘We made this mistake and that mistake, but they’re learning, and I’m proud of the guys’ effort’ — were replaced by direct criticism, with no age-related caveats.

“Yeah they’re young, and blah blah blah, but that ‘young’ thing is getting old,” he said. “It’s the same mistakes — giving up middle, not blocking out, not getting back in transition, that sort of thing. Just inexcusable. Youth’s got nothing to do with it.”/
2023-02-23 11:10:21

2023-02-23 11:11:46
Wembanyama 身高標到7'5 臂展8'0 癲撚到
畀多兩吋scoot好過啦 舊年到而家冇高過都係得6'2
2023-02-23 11:24:37
2023-02-23 16:07:07
You can't teach height
2023-02-23 18:23:51
銀狗點會唔係畀6th pick刺
btw揀邊個真係視乎你會想要facilitator定finisher 我暫時睇兩個upside接近而地板就scoot穩同高好多 所以我投scoot一票 court vision同球商冇得呃人 而brandon miller不論係從場均1.x個助攻定係睇實際gameplay中佢視野9成都係得籃框 咁嘅身高近乎冇安排short roll任務畀佢就可以睇到
2023-02-23 19:51:51
2023-02-23 20:43:38
如果你係指我唔願take risk嘅話咁我諗唔係

我有提到 我認為兩者嘅 天花板接近 而地板相對上scoot會穩啲同高啲 因為我認為喺現今nba court vision同球商會係較重要嘅地方 而喺呢一刻 scoot係相對出眾同埋係受過職業聯賽驗證 而且亦都有一定程度嘅單兵作戰能力 所以地板會係比較高嘅嗰一個

不過我承認我講得唔好 好似講緊miller喺呢兩方面好差咁 但係其實我想表達嘅係不論數據定場上表現 都冇明確表明miller喺呢方面有比較出彩嘅一面 所以我先會以我比較睇重嘅地方嚟斷定我比較想pick邊個

btw我同時同意scoot嘅學習能力係仲需要證明嘅 因為不論喺投射端(deep 2同3分) 同埋進階嘅攻框技巧例如hostage dribble同veer steps等等都未能夠喺呢季見到佢有顯著嘅進步
2023-02-24 10:48:44
白腸21分18板 3偷 1封
2023-02-24 11:38:09
Blake Wesley
2023-02-24 12:04:50
2023-02-24 12:07:57
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞