愛沙尼亞盼土耳其盡快批准芬蘭同瑞典加入北約,芬蘭拒火雞總統erdogan "芬蘭單獨加入北約會員國" 提議

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2023-02-02 18:41:24
愛沙尼亞希望土耳其盡快批准芬蘭同瑞典加入北約,芬蘭拒絕土耳其總統erdogan的 "芬蘭單獨加入北約會員國" 提議


#傳土耳其不滿芬蘭要同瑞典共同進退,芬蘭同瑞典一齊暫停加入北約,土耳其更不滿芬蘭拒絕土耳其 "芬蘭可以單獨成為北約會員國" 之土耳其好plans

Visiting Turkish FM urged to approve Finnish, Swedish NATO accession

2023-02-02 19:19:55
#土耳其拉攏芬蘭,土耳其總統erdogan提議 "芬蘭可以單獨加入北約,前題是芬蘭必須同瑞典劃清界線"

#瑞典有信心稱芬蘭絕不會應承土耳其對芬蘭的道德綁架式拉攏,芬蘭更不會背叛瑞典,即使芬蘭同意土耳其提議,反口覆舌的土耳其都會搵其他藉口出賣芬蘭 "芬蘭可以單獨加入北約"

While Turkish President RECEP TAYYIP ERDOĞAN and other officials have tied Sweden’s bid to concerns about harboring individuals Ankara deems terrorists, Cagaptay said Turkey’s upcoming elections in May might help explain its desire to leverage its position as a NATO member. Erdogan might use anti-Muslim demonstrations in Sweden to rally domestic support to distract from inflation pressures at home.

Erdogan has floated the idea of admitting Finland separately, and Helsinki defense officials have raised the possibility that Finland might consider entering NATO on its own.

For two countries that traditionally collaborate on security efforts, a solo admission for Finland could complicate both sides’ relationship if dialogue doesn’t happen between them beforehand, the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ MAX BERGMANN told NatSec Daily.

“If Finland were to just take a unilateral action to say ‘OK, we're, we're fine with moving forward without Sweden,’ I think that would be a stab in the back,” Bergmann said. “I don't see that happening. I think what we would see is a discussion in Sweden essentially okay-ing Finland to go for me without them.”

Sweden's NATO dream deferred
2023-02-03 09:44:03
2023-02-03 09:56:10
以為好似德國咁 可以成班人迫到得

2023-02-03 10:27:04
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