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2022-11-20 00:23:10

France’s mascots for the 2024 Olympic Games have been likened to a giant “clitoris in trainers”, with the French newspaper Libération hailing it as a revolutionary departure from the traditional phallic symbol of the Eiffel Tower.

When the two triangular red mascots, the Phryges, were unveiled for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, they were presented as the shape of Phrygian caps, the floppy, conical hats associated with the French Revolution.

The Paris organising committee said it was an opportunity to “embody the French spirit by offering something new” in a break from the traditional animal figure often chosen for the Olympics.

But the little red figures have swiftly been likened to clitorises with smiley faces. They bear a notable resemblance to the giant inflatable, red clitoris put up opposite the Eiffel Tower on last year’s International Women’s Day by a feminist group campaigning for more education and scientific research on the organ whose sole function is the female orgasm.

In an opinion piece in Libération, the journalist Quentin Girard celebrated the fact that the floppy tip of the mascots’ hat was actually being seen as a clitoris glans.

He said “from an anatomical point of view”, having a clitoris as the French Olympic mascot was “very good news” and meant that after years of taboo and lack of education, the country had collectively “at last understood what one looks like”.

2022-11-20 00:29:09
2022-11-20 00:30:14
紅色嘅雞仔 幾可愛 又有教育意義
2022-11-20 00:30:48
2022-11-20 00:31:11
2022-11-20 00:33:38
2022-11-20 00:34:30
2022-11-20 00:35:02
2022-11-20 00:45:14
2022-11-20 00:59:15
2022-11-20 02:35:11
2022-11-20 02:40:08
2022-11-20 03:17:57
2022-11-21 01:42:52
是 幾好
2022-11-21 02:45:14
有啲似da wae
2022-11-21 02:47:10
2022-11-21 02:48:50
雞! 全部都係雞
2022-11-21 03:13:25
第一次聽 幾似
2022-11-21 05:22:59

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