2023 Summer Internship/ Placement (25) - 準時拜神

1001 回覆
11 Like 4 Dislike
2022-10-23 20:15:20
2022-10-23 21:13:49
2022-10-23 21:41:17
2022-10-24 13:28:07
2022-10-24 13:44:56
2022-10-24 13:47:07
2022-10-24 15:02:46
有冇人11號in ey audit intern有收到消息
2022-10-24 17:15:15
Any news for HKMA winter intern
2022-10-24 17:32:55
Anyone tmr pwc superday?
2022-10-24 17:48:07
We appreciate you taking the time to complete our online assessment for this position. We recruit on a rolling basis and our team is continuing to review applications for the role that you have applied for. We will be in touch with you again to update you on your application and thank you for your patience whilst we complete our shortlisting proce

2022-10-24 18:00:02
EY assurance 啱啱打電話黎話group in轉man in
2022-10-24 18:43:16
Grad job?
2022-10-24 21:20:12
Ching我都收到 我9月頭做完job sim 你幾時做job sim?
2022-10-24 21:21:31
9月尾 exchange tg?
2022-10-24 21:29:16
ubs off cycle有冇updates
2022-10-24 21:40:53
2022-10-24 21:46:50
Same, 兩個禮拜前做job sim
2022-10-24 22:15:15
2022-10-24 22:19:06
Can tg?
2022-10-24 22:19:52
2022-10-24 22:29:37
2022-10-24 22:56:03
2022-10-24 22:56:32
2022-10-25 01:30:49
Any one big 4 Esg intern 有消息?
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