同美國driving license當左身分證一樣,因為美帝係直頭連呢張過膠紙都冇,根本就冇身分證呢樣野。反而我地咁proud of 呢張智能身份證,都幾值得反思一下
Why doesn't America have a national ID card? There are many reasons. For many Americans, a national ID card reminds them of the "internal travel visas" of totalitarian regimes like the Soviet Union, communist China, Nazi Germany, and other countries. Also, there are concerns that having one card for everything will lead to privacy violations as government agencies and private companies track the data on how and where it used. Also, some Americans distrust all government and would much rather deal with a smaller state government than the larger federal government as the lesser of two evils. In addition to that, some people feel the different ways each state issue their driver's licenses to be part of a larger idea that each state be allowed to govern it's own internal affairs. A National ID card, some feel would cause states to slowly lose some of their uniqueness.