疑似騙騙 ,請巴打幫下眼

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2022-09-23 15:50:23
尋日有陌生人whatsapp HI 我,出於禮貌咁我就HI番佢。佢話自己係HR 請PT / FT。
2022-09-23 15:50:53
Hi, I'm 阿A from XXXXX Recruitment. Recently we have a few vacancies, recruit part-time / full-time, May i share some details with you ?

我諗咁心Recruitment 摸上門,咁我就YES 佢,睇下有咩工彈比我。
2022-09-23 15:51:20
We are helping several companies in Hong Kong to recruit.
Offer a variety of jobs, and several position that allow you to do on your leisure time.
Full Time /Part Time /Freelance Job
-20years old or above
-Pay your salary through Hong Kong Internet Banking
-Local / PR / visa holder

以上基本有手有腳 ( 無手無腳) 都做得,跟手就有另一個人HI 我話係佢同事。
2022-09-23 15:51:30
2022-09-23 15:52:40
試下囉 驚咩呀
2022-09-23 15:53:40
2022-09-23 15:53:42

Hello, I'm 阿B, just now 阿A tell me that you are inter.ested in learning about work. Do you have time for now? I can send you to take a look first

又係一輪廢UP,咩Post 咩 title 都唔講,咁我又 yes 佢睇佢咩料

Let me sim.ple introduce the salary and the working time to you first if you feel ok with the salary and the working time ill continue explain the jobs de.tails and what we gonna do
OK,It only takes 20-30 minu.tes to finish this job,our job is to initiate a group purch.ase, and you can get a minimum income of 0.25% from each product. You can complete 3 groups of group purc.hases in one day, and you can earn a commission of 200-1600HKD (depending on personal ability)
In addition to the com.mission, there is also a basic salary system. As long as you complete 2 groups of group purchases/80 products every day for 7 consecut.ive days, you can get basic salary of 3000HKD, 20,000 per month for full attendance (excluding income)
Are you comfortable with the pay and hours, if yes then I will continue introduce to you about the company

講左一輪,原來係搞團購。咁我又YES 下,得佢講多D background。
2022-09-23 16:02:44
Ok,The company is ABC Company, their company platform is a research ma.rketplace for each e-commerce website deve.lopment project, one of the projects is the marke.ting campa.ign, the marketing campai.gn is to pr.omote the merch.ant's products through a loyal.ty program to set special events

到依家先開名比我聽,我又Google 唔到間野,感覺係鬼鬼地。

Our job is simple, first of all, we have to become a me.mber of their company platform, and then we will help the merchant's prod.ucts to launch group purchase as a real customer, increase the quantity of group purchase, improve the popularity and se.arch ranking of the products, so as to help the merchant's products to incr.ease sales.
You can earn 0.25%-4.8% of the price of a pro.duct each time you help to initia.te a group pur.chase, and you can com.plete up to three groups per day, with 40-70 products in one group.
OK, are you clear about the above basic work information?

嘩,睇完發現搞團購都幾CHUR ,自問唔係食呢行飯 ,最後佢彈左一句,令我覺得係伏伏地
2022-09-23 16:05:02
Do you have a 20-mi.nute? I can show you how to regi.ster for a working acc.ount and take you through the proce.ss so that you can understand the workflo.w more easily. It d.oesn't cost anything to register a wor.king account.
If you fell that its not a really good fit for you,you can quit after you try this job,but you can still get 200-1000 incom.e if you quit

跟手叫我開account ,又話開左 account 即 quit 都有錢收。

2022-09-23 16:13:29
2022-09-23 16:33:28
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞