Golden State Warriors (2020)
On March 3, 2020, the Golden State Warriors announced that they had signed Randle to a 10-day contract.[46] However, the NBA coronavirus shutdown occurred while still on contract. Thus, he became a free agent before the resume of the season.[47]
我知,2W係唔佔加PO都出唔到。只係覺得呢兩個位可以mark住啲有潛力嘅新人好似Mac / T. Williams咁。Weatherspoon防守可能都好,但身型限制只係守到1/2號位,唔似GP2守到1-3(勉強4)咁,進攻又未至於係好射得。佢存咗係少少雞肋feel。我當佢係最後15人,前面有Curry , Poole, Moody, Div0,應該未必到佢叫。相反係俾Williams,用2W mark住先打得好俾15人位佢。用得着嘅機會>過Weatherspoon
冬天的季軍2022-10-04 13:06:38
b_lebowski2022-10-04 13:29:48
T Williams 又有腦又夠hustle
一直覺得green 係獨角獸黎
睇完Williams d 表現覺得有機會做到窮人版 Green