夜已深 幫大家整wallpaper

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2017-07-08 05:04:04
1.Wherever you go ,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you

2.No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.

2017-07-08 05:06:13
1. Some people make things happen.
Some people see things happen.
Some people wait things to happen.
And some people, ask what happened.

2. Everything negative - pressure, challenges - is all an opportunity for me to rise.

2017-07-08 05:06:15
No love found, no love lost.
2017-07-08 05:06:26
She will be loved
2017-07-08 05:06:50
Do not be nervous

2017-07-08 05:07:10
You cannot identity sadness through test tube
2017-07-08 05:07:23
She will be loved

2017-07-08 05:07:29
You cannot identity sadness through test tube

2017-07-08 05:09:04
2017-07-08 05:09:18
dont be my painkiller or I will drown in you
2017-07-08 05:12:44
no pain, no gain

2017-07-08 05:13:54
Sometimes you gotta burn some bridges, just to create some distance
2017-07-08 05:15:40
Life is all about timing
2017-07-08 05:18:30
Tough time never last but tough people do.

2017-07-08 05:21:36
Cathy, love you
2017-07-08 05:21:41
在有生的瞬間能遇到你 竟花光所有運氣 到這日才發現曾呼吸過空氣
2017-07-08 05:22:10
Cathy, love you

thx <3
2017-07-08 05:23:04
唔該巴打! 字可唔可以整到好似第2幅個style? Thx!!!

> No matter the time, I know always through your eyes I remain a superstar.
2017-07-08 05:23:23

2017-07-08 05:24:10
your face, my dick.
2017-07-08 05:24:44
I go to school by bus
2017-07-08 05:25:12
No one is perfect
2017-07-08 05:25:53
Take my mind and take my pain
2017-07-08 05:27:18
Just do it
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