岩岩新領養三個月大貓b 但對眼好似有啲事

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2022-08-25 22:51:23

有冇人知係咩事 已經滴緊眼藥水
2022-08-25 22:55:01
睇醫生啦 仲問
2022-08-25 22:57:26
2022-08-25 22:57:41
2022-08-25 23:10:10
你可以試下google cat fip eyes睇下其他患咗fip貓嘅眼似唔似你隻貓B嘅狀態先
2022-08-25 23:21:58
2022-08-25 23:57:50
我會 其實都係黎左幾日 會聽日帶佢去睇
2022-08-26 02:46:29
等幾日先。 似係少少發炎。 我啲貓成日都有
2022-08-26 08:43:03
2022-08-26 08:58:10
2022-08-26 09:09:05

Haw's syndrome
Haw’s syndrome is a relatively common problem in cats. It is a condition where both third eyelids protrude (or prolapse). Protrusion of the third eyelids can occur for many reasons in cats. When it has a sudden onset, and is associated with diarrhea or other gut conditions, it is
called Haw’s syndrome.

What is the third eyelid?
The third eyelid, also known as the nictitating membrane or nictitans, is a structure that sweeps over the surface of the eye in order to spread tears across the cornea and protect the eye. It is usually only possible to see the edge of the third eyelid which is located in the lower corner of the eye near the nose. It is often pale pink in color but can have dark pigment on the surface.

2022-08-26 09:11:23
What causes Haw’s syndrome?
Protrusion of the third eyelids occurs for many reasons in cats. It can occur suddenly, and if
associated with diarrhea or other gut conditions, it is known as Haw’s syndrome.
The cause is unknown (therefore it is called an idiopathic condition). There is thought to be
an association with diarrhea caused by a variety of conditions, including tapeworm
infestation or virus infection (a toro-like virus has been found in the past, but is not present
in every case). Occasionally, other cats in the household will become affected.
Sometimes an affected cat will appear dull or depressed and have no appetite, in which case
your veterinarian may undertake a more thorough examination. There are other causes of
third eyelid protrusion and of diarrhea, so these will be considered by your veterinarian.
Haws syndrome can arise at any age but is much more common in young adult cats.
Is there any treatment for Haw's syndrome?
The signs may persist for 4 to 6 weeks, but usually the condition is self-limiting, meaning
that it resolves without any specific treatment. All cats recover from the condition, so if
protrusion of the third eyelids persist for more than four months, the diagnosis will be
If a cause can be found for diarrhea, if present, it will be treated specifically. Otherwise,
sometimes symptomatic treatment is given for diarrhea, for example, dietary modification or
a worming dose.
Treatment of the eyes is not usually necessary. In extreme cases where vision is being
obscured by the third eyelids covering much of the eye, 2.5% phenylephrine eye drops can
be used to temporarily reverse the third eyelid protrusion. However, this treatment will not
shorten the time course of the syndrome
2022-08-26 10:15:01
2022-08-26 10:23:02
2022-08-28 01:24:50
2022-08-30 17:57:24
睇左醫生話之前肺炎搞到咁 而家健康
但對眼好難變返正常 都係切一部份令佢好睇啲咁咋
2022-08-30 18:18:26
去揾眼科專科問多個2nd opinion/操刀
2022-08-30 18:27:33
我都曾經試過幫個呢類貓 ,雖然眼未必會好返但係佢都會好靚嘅。
2022-08-30 18:29:02
2022-08-30 18:36:48
請問貓貓係邊間做呀? 我地見果個好似有啲hea趕我地走
2022-08-30 18:40:24
2022-08-30 18:47:16
2022-08-30 18:52:18
2022-08-30 18:53:13
暫託果邊冇講過 所以都唔知幾時病 一接返黎就咁 再加上屋企人做接頭好難同果邊溝通
2022-08-30 18:53:41
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞