USB-C hub連USB充電器

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2022-07-11 14:09:31
1. 剛買了一台U2722DE, 不插電腦情況下所有USB PORT也可以用來充電
2. 早幾年有外置電源的USB-A HUB, 不插電腦,全部PORT也可以用來充電
3. 但我手上既USB-C HUB就唔得,一定要插住HOST機,LOAD左USB HUB DRIVER先用得

想問下而家重有無啲USB-C HUB可以同埋USB叉電器用?
2022-07-11 15:11:39
似乎係有, 不過呢個應該好貴...

This dock supports up to 85W of charging via theThunderbolt upstream port on the back of the dock (indicated by a laptop symbol). The USB-C Power Delivery port (indicated by “PD”) and theThunderboltdownstream port (indicated by a thunderbolt symbol) support 18W and 15W fast charging for your phone or tablet. The USB-A 3.0 port on the front supports 7.5W to charge smaller devices like smartwatches or headphones. The three USB-A data ports on the back of the dock do not support charging.
2022-07-11 15:12:15
咁你個Type C hub 有冇電源?
2022-07-11 15:18:38

原來個feature叫standalone charging... 但至少都過千...
2022-07-11 15:19:11
有呀, 但無用... 唔插host啲USB-A無電
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