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2022-07-08 14:56:23
Quentin Tarantino just welcomed his second child, a baby girl, with wife Daniella Pick over the July 4th holiday weekend. The two had their first child, a son named Leo, in February 2020, and now that the baby is over two years old, it’s time for him to start watching movies with his Oscar-winning father. Cinephiles have wondered what movie Tarantino would show Leo first, given the director’s wealth of movie knowledge (and his love of movie violence), and now they have their answer: “Despicable Me 2.”

“[My son is] pretty young, so he’s only really seen one movie,” Tarantino told Empire magazine. “I thought I was hitting a ‘Minions’ cartoon, and I realize it’s ‘Despicable Me 2.’ And he seemed to be interested in the opening credits, so I go, ‘Okay, I guess we’re watching ‘Despicable Me 2.'”

Tarantino continued, “[Leo] gets up and he walks behind the couch, but he’s still watching the TV. We watched it for 20 minutes, until it was time for him to go to the park, and then the next day we watched another 15 minutes of it. And so, in the course of a week, in small bites, the first movie Leo ever watched was ‘Despicable Me 2.'”

Leo is also watching the popular animated series “Peppa Pig,” which Tarantino calls a “more consuming experience” than watching “Despicable Me 2.”

“I actually do like ‘Peppa Pig;’ I watch it a lot,” Tarantino said. “I’ll say it – ‘Peppa Pig’ is the greatest British import of this decade.”

Tarantino has been in both dad mode and author mode over the last two years. He released a novelization of his Oscar winner “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” last summer, and he’s now readying the release of his next book, a collection of film essays mostly centered on 1970s cinema. The book, titled “Cinema Speculation,” will be released November 1. The filmmaker is also launching “The Video Archives Podcast” with friend and “Pulp Fiction” co-writer Roger Avary, in which they break down favorite cult films from their video store days.

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