首先香港軍團Hong Kong Regiment 並唔係後世所講嘅皇家香港軍團,而係19世紀尾/20世紀初喺香港成立嘅印度人軍團
英國National Army Museum 介紹過
//The Hong Kong Regiment was formed in 1891 as part of the British Indian Army. It was created to help garrison the British colony of Hong Kong. The Regiment arrived in Hong Kong in 1892 and gained an excellent reputation due to its high standard of drill and skill at arms. As a result it also gained a nickname, 'The Swagger Regiment'.
The Regiment participated in the 3rd China War (Boxer Rebellion), forming part of the relief force that fought through to the besieged foreign legations in Peking. However the cost of the Regiment's upkeep was deemed too great and the unit was disbanded in 1902, with many of its men transferring to the 67th Punjabis.//
//1886年,英軍在香港成立香港水雷砲兵連(Hong Kong Company of Submarine Miners),招募華人擔任水雷砲兵。水雷砲兵受訓負責佈置水雷,保護香港這個重要港口,當時的鯉魚門海峽就曾佈置過水雷,防止法俄列強的軍艦入侵。1905年日俄戰爭之後,由於俄國威脅漸減,英國政府裁撤水雷,水雷砲兵隨即解散。華兵被編入第40要塞工兵連(40th Fortress Company, Royal Engineers)負責海防設施,該連一直獲保留,後來參與了1941年的香港保衛戰。//