MCR-The Foundations of Decay

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2022-06-12 16:37:00

MCR 真係好正


See the man who stands upon the hill
He dreams of all the battles won
But fate had left its scars upon his face
With all the damage they had done
And so tired with age, he turns the page
Let the flesh submit itself to gravity
Let our bodies lay while our hearts will stay
Let our blood invade if I die in pain
Now, if your convictions were a passing phase
May your ashes feed the river in the morning rays
And as the vermin crawls, we lay in the foundations of decay
He was there the day the towers fell
And so he wandered down the road
And we would all build towers of our own
Only to watch the rooms corrode
But it's much too late, you're in the race
So we'll press and press 'til you can't take it anymore
Let our bodies lay while our hearts will stay
Let our blood invade if I die in pain
And if, by his own hand, his spirit flies
Take his body as a relic to be canonized
Now, and so he gets to die a saint
But she will always be a whore
Against faith (antihero)
Against all odds (as if it must be pure)
Against change (we wander through the ruins)
We are free (the guiltiness is yours)
You must fix your heart
And you must build an altar where it rests
When the storm decays and the sky, it rains
Let it flood, let it flood, let it wash away
And as we stumble through your last crusade
Will you welcome your extinction in the morning rays?
And as the swarming calls, we lay in the foundations
Yes, it comforts me much more
Yes, it comforts me much more
To lay in the foundations of decay
Get up, coward
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