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2022-04-11 19:42:30

【Slime Robot developed by CUHK team】

This slime robot has gone viral globally after its international media exposure lately. The slime robot, which was developed by a research team of CUHK Mechanical and Automation Engineering Department, can deform, grab objects and move, just like the sci-fi movie creatures. Indeed, the robot design was inspired by the movie Venom, but it is different from Venom in a way that it is expected to bring benefit to human beings in the future.

The magnet particles in the slime give it conductivity and the capability to change its shape to navigate through narrow tubes and complex mazes, self-heal and grab objects driven by an external magnetic field. According to Prof. Li Zhang and Dr. Mengmeng Sun, the lead author of the publishing, of CUHK Mechanical and Automation Engineering Department, the slime robot is expected to be of great value in medical applications, such as removing accidentally swallowed objects like button batteries and sharp bones.

The study was widely covered by international media outlets like BBC, Guardian and New Scientist. The news videos have gained over 10 million views online. The research team was thrilled about the overwhelming response, 'It is encouraging to know that our study has aroused people's interest and attention. We will keep it up and explore how the slime robot can be put into practical use in the future.'




今次研究獲BBC、Guardian、New Scientist等國際媒體報道,片段觀看次數過千萬。對於引起廣泛迴響,團隊表示興奮:「研究能引起大家對機械人的興趣及關注,我們感到十分鼓舞。團隊將繼續努力,探討如何好好利用『史萊姆機械人』帶來實際效用。」

好似睇緊Marvel 咁
2022-04-11 19:44:02
2022-04-11 19:44:21
2022-04-11 19:48:04
2022-04-11 19:56:32
毒魔啟發 中大研發「史萊姆機械人」


2022-04-11 21:02:49
同LOCAL phd生無緣
2022-04-11 21:12:11
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