
411 回覆
49 Like 15 Dislike
2022-04-11 18:34:23
2022-04-11 18:35:22
2022-04-11 18:35:52
2022-04-11 18:37:33
and you got your head all the way up it!!!
2022-04-11 18:37:34
Rdj 紅左之後都仲同佢地癲
2022-04-11 18:38:50
2022-04-11 18:40:17
I once saw him kill three men in a bar... with a pencil, with a fucking pencil.
2022-04-11 18:42:13

2022-04-11 18:42:24
2022-04-11 18:43:30
2022-04-11 18:43:43
we need to talk
2022-04-11 18:44:37
few good men?
2022-04-11 18:45:09
"i am not finished"
scent of a woman
2022-04-11 18:46:58
2022-04-11 18:47:02
Are you talking to me?
2022-04-11 18:47:32
2022-04-11 18:51:09
FYR 湯佬3個Oscar 提名 有2個都係做cheap 精賤人
2022-04-11 18:52:23
The price of freedom is high; it always has been. But it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not.
2022-04-11 18:53:35
White knight
2022-04-11 18:54:55
2022-04-11 18:55:32
2022-04-11 18:58:01
Yippee ki-yay motherfucker
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