We recently determined that we needed to select additional registrations to reach the fiscal year (FY) 2022 H-1B numerical allocations, including the advanced degree exemption. On Nov. 19, we selected from among previously submitted electronic registrations using a random selection process.
男男細乳2022-03-27 23:42:04
Noogler(FF)2022-03-27 23:44:41
first hon啦
腦若傷殘2022-03-28 00:18:55
西瓜大笨象2022-03-28 01:44:40
有得remote 定係要去van?
西瓜大笨象2022-03-28 01:47:28
master洗同拎work permit用既啫,google UG 同master FG都係俾L3,要PhD先會俾L4
係叫做俾多次機會你報intern/co-op/grad job,如果可以直接入去做梗係唔讀