做緊digital marketing,你問我答

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2017-06-23 10:39:47
做緊bank 同marketing有關既post
想學digital marketing, 係唔係出去讀d courses都係廢既?e.g. HKUSPACE個啲

如果自學既話有咩方法或者有咩sources可以自學? 跪求
想進修,in house都要知但無係agnecy做過無底

之前個1day course垃圾到仆街都收成2000幾銀 好彩公司比錢 勸你善用網上資源
自己google下 唔好懶 睇下啲guide
2017-06-23 10:47:31
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。
2017-06-23 11:13:27
For example 如果搵達哥stream時加個水印

利申 one man band幫間公司做sem seo做左3年
2017-06-23 11:19:35
For example 如果搵達哥stream時加個水印

利申 one man band幫間公司做sem seo做左3年

但香港女仔個班都識幾個 睇下個job係咩性質
ig一個post 一千到幾千蚊都有
2017-06-23 11:22:03
e-commerce 做咗5年揮手
2017-06-23 11:23:37
For example 如果搵達哥stream時加個水印

利申 one man band幫間公司做sem seo做左3年

但香港女仔個班都識幾個 睇下個job係咩性質
ig一個post 一千到幾千蚊都有

2017-06-23 11:32:19
For example 如果搵達哥stream時加個水印

利申 one man band幫間公司做sem seo做左3年

但香港女仔個班都識幾個 睇下個job係咩性質
ig一個post 一千到幾千蚊都有


真係搵達哥咁大粒 都要佢肯做
我平時無睇佢啲片 唔知佢平時有無咁做過
如果冇嘅話 你點都要比大舊啲錢引佢打破個rule
但我估貴極都係幾千 又唔洗佢sell
2017-06-23 12:52:42
For example 如果搵達哥stream時加個水印

利申 one man band幫間公司做sem seo做左3年

達哥唔接呢D, 除非同打機有關

BTW, 借高登上位條女搵佢拍片開5位數
2017-06-23 13:05:48
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles
2017-06-23 14:07:10
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。
2017-06-23 14:12:29
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

Marketing 的 machine learning 好多公司都唔理/唔識。hot唔起
2017-06-23 14:15:25

公司 paid media budget 唔計 media relation advertorial etc. almost 100% digital
Paid social paid search email organic social SEO

我公司個 industry 個Trend 都係咁
而 traditional agency 都好頭痛

marketing 未來個trend 應該都係向digital發展

其實香港目前仲係落後過外國好多 應該仲有排玩

我見佢哋仲講乜KOL, AI, DESIGN, 上網搵打手 就覺得好好笑...

訪間冇乜地方可以學 Seo sem, 應該點樣學?


同埋SEO, SEM要學到點先算到入職要求

SEO 你可以自己整個WORDPRESS BLOG, 用YOAST/AMP PLUGIN 去理解個原理... 都好有用... 之後留意有乜新TREND.... SEM 你唔係做過好難上手.... 入AGENCY 挨返一兩年做好多底都值得... 其實...

利申: UG 非本科

2017-06-23 14:25:17
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

Marketing 的 machine learning 好多公司都唔理/唔識。hot唔起

美國好流行 多數R python or cloud based hadoop stack
特別係 ecommerce
好多公司請 quant 人嚟做 pricing and media/channel optimization, recommenders etc

有 off the shelf ML, optimization,segmentation, attribution, lead scoring, visualization products but they are not very mature yet. And the enterprise ones are prohibitively expensive, and there are very well mid market ones that are powerful, flexible, and cheap enough to justify their costs.
2017-06-23 14:29:41
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

GA is strictly URL based and you can only track your own site. And everything is tracked as aggregated. So it doesn't really do personalization, recommender, etc.

When you need to consolidate your media spend data, social data, out of home marketing data etc into a dashboard, knowing some database query, web service API calls, etl processes, power BI / powerpivot, R, python etc. would certainly help.

利申:主修英國文學 ,但迫於無奈上邊每樣要學少少先管到班 dev
2017-06-23 14:31:26
好多Digital marketing根本呃飯食,出下fb ig post 出下edm就話自己digital marketing
2017-06-23 14:31:36
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

Marketing 的 machine learning 好多公司都唔理/唔識。hot唔起

美國好流行 多數R python or cloud based hadoop stack
特別係 ecommerce
好多公司請 quant 人嚟做 pricing and media/channel optimization, recommenders etc

有 off the shelf ML, optimization,segmentation, attribution, lead scoring, visualization products but they are not very mature yet. And the enterprise ones are prohibitively expensive, and there are very well mid market ones that are powerful, flexible, and cheap enough to justify their costs.

2017-06-23 14:34:57
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

Marketing 的 machine learning 好多公司都唔理/唔識。hot唔起

Lead scoring in a way is a classification problem

You load all your customer attributes and purchase / interaction history, label them with score (sales value or lifetime value) then you can probably score the leads so that you can focus your efforts on the high potential customers

Recommender = market basket analysis etc.
But many ecommerce plugins have some functionality built in. Doesn't hurt to develop your own model if it makes more sense though
2017-06-23 14:35:26
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

GA is strictly URL based and you can only track your own site. And everything is tracked as aggregated. So it doesn't really do personalization, recommender, etc.

When you need to consolidate your media spend data, social data, out of home marketing data etc into a dashboard, knowing some database query, web service API calls, etl processes, power BI / powerpivot, R, python etc. would certainly help.

利申:主修英國文學 ,但迫於無奈上邊每樣要學少少先管到班 dev

點樣可以攞到out of home marketing data?
2017-06-23 14:41:09
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

GA is strictly URL based and you can only track your own site. And everything is tracked as aggregated. So it doesn't really do personalization, recommender, etc.

When you need to consolidate your media spend data, social data, out of home marketing data etc into a dashboard, knowing some database query, web service API calls, etl processes, power BI / powerpivot, R, python etc. would certainly help.

利申:主修英國文學 ,但迫於無奈上邊每樣要學少少先管到班 dev

點樣可以攞到out of home marketing data?

I know you are trolling, but if you try hard enough you can get some good enough approximation

They are not that accurate. Estimate views.
Nielsen TV data. Use of special coupon code. Vanity URLs. Store traffic. Beacon. Attendance counters at events. Programmatic TV is coming soon. Is that digital or out of home? I don't know.
2017-06-23 14:52:24
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

Marketing 的 machine learning 好多公司都唔理/唔識。hot唔起

美國好流行 多數R python or cloud based hadoop stack
特別係 ecommerce
好多公司請 quant 人嚟做 pricing and media/channel optimization, recommenders etc

有 off the shelf ML, optimization,segmentation, attribution, lead scoring, visualization products but they are not very mature yet. And the enterprise ones are prohibitively expensive, and there are very well mid market ones that are powerful, flexible, and cheap enough to justify their costs.


玩開 python 應該係 data scientist
2017-06-23 14:57:49
上咗HKDMA course,成萬4蚊,考埋cert。

本身BSc computer science,但對學digital marketing其實幫助不大。

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

Marketing 的 machine learning 好多公司都唔理/唔識。hot唔起

美國好流行 多數R python or cloud based hadoop stack
特別係 ecommerce
好多公司請 quant 人嚟做 pricing and media/channel optimization, recommenders etc

有 off the shelf ML, optimization,segmentation, attribution, lead scoring, visualization products but they are not very mature yet. And the enterprise ones are prohibitively expensive, and there are very well mid market ones that are powerful, flexible, and cheap enough to justify their costs.


玩開 python 應該係 data scientist

2017-06-23 15:13:39

Digital analytics, marketing data segmentation using big data and machine learning is actually quite hot. If you have an BSc in CS you could do well in analyst roles

除非你係做真正big data,普通analytics GA搞到,唔使讀CS。
我指的真big data係要用幾部電腦run。

Marketing 的 machine learning 好多公司都唔理/唔識。hot唔起

美國好流行 多數R python or cloud based hadoop stack
特別係 ecommerce
好多公司請 quant 人嚟做 pricing and media/channel optimization, recommenders etc

有 off the shelf ML, optimization,segmentation, attribution, lead scoring, visualization products but they are not very mature yet. And the enterprise ones are prohibitively expensive, and there are very well mid market ones that are powerful, flexible, and cheap enough to justify their costs.


玩開 python 應該係 data scientist


Ching 應該係大公司 做過dev
2017-06-23 15:21:33



2017-06-23 15:38:20
2017-06-23 15:42:24

吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞