另外高濃度鹽水亦有效透過抑制RNA同DNA嘅複製,從而加強表皮細胞(epithelial cells )嘅抗病毒能力。
In the presence viral infection and the availability of NaCl, cells utilise the chloride ions to produce hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Since HOCl is the active ingredient in bleach, which is known to have an antiviral effect, the mechanism could be augmented by supplying chloride ions through NaCl to treat infections.
普通感冒時,用高濃度NaCl 洗鼻和漱口的效果:
Follow up data was available from 61 (Intervention:30, Control:31). 87% found HSNIG acceptable, 93% thought HSNIG made a difference to their symptoms. In the intervention arm, duration of illness was lower by 1.9 days (p = 0.01), over-the-counter medications (OTCM) use by 36% (p = 0.004), transmission within household contacts by 35% (p = 0.006) and viral shedding by ≥0.5 log10/day (p = 0.04).
問題係點樣維持呢個濃度。你自己啲分泌物會稀釋啲鹽水。你physiological saline conc. 一般只係0.9% w/v NaCl
但呢到Study population係確診者,而唔係無中嘅人。佢可能可以減低病忠傳俾人嘅機率,但對於健康嘅人唔一定有太大影響。同埋佢都係漱口而唔係飲。
Frequent gargling with water may help reduce episodes of upper respiratory tract infection, but evidence is limited to a single study. The well-designed RCT involved 387 adults randomly assigned to gargling with water, gargling with a diluted povidone–iodine solution or usual care (control).37 Gargling with the povidone–iodine solution had no effect, whereas gargling with water was effective in reducing the risk of an upper respiratory tract infection (30.1% v. 40.8% in the control group; p = 0.044), for a number needed to treat of 10. The degree of gargling required was considerable (20 mL for 15 seconds repeated three times, performed three times daily). Confirmation from a second RCT would be helpful before recommending gargling.
呢到用Povidone-Iodine (PVP-I)做比較,即係講緊betadine (樓上已經有人提)。PVP-I 自己已經有virucidal 嘅能力去殺武漢病毒。
PVP-I at a concentration >0.5 mg/ml in contact with SARS-CoV-2 for 30 s, 1 min, 2 min and 5 min showed up to 99% viral inhibition.
結論: 用水漱口好過。