即時新聞/綜合報導〕烏克蘭第二大城哈爾科夫(Kharkhiv)的行政首長辛內古波夫(Oleg Sinegubov)證實,俄羅斯軍隊的輕型車輛已進入城市。
Ukrainian official: Russians have entered Kharkiv
Russian forces have entered Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city, local officials say.
The head of the Kharkiv regional administration, Oleg Sinegubov, said that light military vehicles had "broke into the city".
Prior to his statements, footage had appeared to show some Russian military cars driving around on the streets of the north-eastern city.
Mr Sinegubov has urged residents to stay inside, saying Russian troops appeared to be in the city centre.
"Do not leave shelters! The Armed Forces of Ukraine are eliminating the enemy. Civilians are asked not to take to the streets."