Don’t learn English this way. You have to integrate English into life.
XCode2022-02-18 20:34:46
有用過amazing talker
但後尾佢冇再教 :(
XCode2022-02-18 20:38:42
Passport2022-02-18 20:41:45
Key尿卡殺馬2022-02-18 20:43:35
Alex Ferguson 100% native
佛系躺平2022-02-18 21:03:23
佛系躺平2022-02-18 21:04:11
呢位師兄唔係扮 係真係唔識
英國特工2022-02-18 21:17:18
As a non~native English speaker, you were born as a person with your mother tongue. It was nearly impossible of you to be native. What matters is whether you speak naturally or not. Imagine someone whose mother tongue was not Cantonese was talkinf to you, you wouldn't care if he/ she was native because you just want to understand what they said. So, it's better for you to learn to speak clearly and avoid having something like "ah.....ah....." within your sentence.