If you have a graduate or post-graduate diploma or certificate
You must also have completed a post-secondary diploma or degree (from Canada or from abroad), as a prerequisite to this graduate or post-graduate program.
虎虎生風2022-04-22 14:03:26
關老二大意失賓周2022-04-22 15:20:12
報喜 二月尾申請 今日收到體檢
想問係咪得一封叫 medical report imm1017e 既文件
定係好似biometrics 咁分兩次出文件
戚秦氏2022-04-22 17:14:52
18/3 apply, 14/4冇信既情況下去做偽upfront body check
21/4就收到passed medical exam
見到少少曙光 而家靜候biometric letter