Due to the increasing number of confirmed Covid-19 cases, the Hong Kong Government has announced on 08/02/2022 (https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202202/09/P2022020900022.htm?fontSize=1 ), the application of “vaccine pass” in relation to specified categories of premises including shopping malls, supermarkets and markets will be effective starting from 24/02/2022 (Thur). Any person who enters these premises will be required to use the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application and to have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. If you have entered a venue with the “LeaveHomeSafe” mobile application, please be reminded to press “Leave” when you leave the venue in order to record your actual presence time in different venues.
The regulation also sets out possible exempted scenarios, including couriers who only collect takeaway food or drinks。 After consultation with the government, we have confirmed that our couriers will be included in this exemption, and will be able to pick up the orders at the restaurants and shops as usual. But each private premise can set its own policies on requiring the “vaccination pass” or not. Please continue to pay special attention to the instructions for couriers, from both vendors and customers in case of any updates. Yet it is possible that couriers who are not vaccinated might not be able to enter some of these premises, hence having difficulties in completing deliveries. We continue to provide you with the flexibility to decline or self-redispatch any order if you feel unwell or uncomfortable with delivering them, you may always seek help from our rider service team if you encounter any difficulties during the delivery process.
You may refer to our panda page related to Covid-19 (https://www.pandarider.hk/covid-19 ) for more information. If you need further assistance, please reach out to us by creating a ticket in rider app. Thank you all for your continued efforts in keeping our community safe. Together, we can overcome this pandemic. Stay safe and healthy.
由於新冠病毒的確診數字持續上升,香港政府於08/02/2022發出公告(https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202202/09/P2022020800738.htm?fontSize=1 ),指適用於表列處所,包括:商場、超級市場及街市/市集等的「疫苗通行證」將會於24/02/2022(星期四)開始全面實施。任何人士進入這些處所均必須使用「安心出行」流動應用程式和須至少接種一劑新冠疫苗。如你使用了「安心出行」流動應用程式進入場所,請謹記離開時,在應用程式按「離開」以準確記錄你停留在該場所的時間。
規例亦訂明可獲豁免的情況,如純粹購買外賣食物或飲料的人士等。在與政府協商後,我們確認我們的送遞員將被納入此項豁免,並將能夠如常地在餐廳和商店領取訂單。惟不同私人處所仍可以設立不同與有關「疫苗通行證」的措施。請繼續留意rider app中由商戶及顧客提供的送遞指示,以確保得知任何最新安排。但這種情況下,沒有接種疫苗的送遞員或有機會未能進入一些處所,因此在送遞訂單過程中或會遇到困難。如你感到不適或不希望送遞某些訂單,我們將繼續為你提供拒絕訂單或自行轉單的靈活性。當你在送遞途中遇到任何疑難,你亦可以向送遞員服務部尋求協助。
更多與新型冠狀病毒有關的資訊請查看panda page(https://zh.pandarider.hk/covid-19 )。如需任何協助,請於 rider app 支援提出查詢。感謝大家持續不懈的努力去保持我們的社區安全,我們一定可以携手跨過這個困難時刻。請注意健康,謝謝。