chem 高手請入

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2022-01-23 21:17:48
For carbonyl compounds, aldol condensation will occur in the presence of acid/alkali (H+/OH-required), i.e. they react themselves

Btw for the 1st step, HBr should be added in the presence of other organic solvents (eg CCl4). HBr is not self-ionized during this step
2022-01-23 21:19:49
Aldol condensation is also out of DSE syllabus
2022-01-23 21:27:09
DSE org chem reaction既 Br2, HBr 洗唔洗寫埋 (in organic solvent) 先有分.
Marking 有時有 有時無 真係唔識分
2022-01-23 21:41:46
其實solvent 同 reactact 係一個reaction上係同樣重要,要死記嘅話兩樣都要記。上面嗰題可以係(i)HBr/CCl4 (ii) HBr(g),嚴格嚟講HBr唔可以,Marking上嘅分別,其實我估係睇嗰年學生點答而會有所調整
2022-01-23 21:50:08
明白, thank you.
2022-02-03 14:29:55
2022-02-03 15:46:15
你DSE level定?
2022-02-03 16:12:56
2022-02-03 17:31:38
Rate law
2022-02-03 17:43:58
2022-02-03 17:45:46
2022-02-12 08:51:01
只係講到C係1st order reaction, 其中一個reactact concentration (HCl) 會決定嗰rate
D係2nd order, both reactact concentrations 都決定嗰rate
2022-02-12 21:22:08
2022-02-12 21:37:48
13) C 你咪當係acid rain reacts with CaCO3,咁rate of reaction 當然慢過D strong acid + strong alkaline neutralisation
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