1942年1 月9號,賴廉士教授逃出戰俘營,離開香港並成立英軍服務團

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情況絕望,不代表可以喪志放棄。香港義勇防衛軍戰地救護隊指揮官賴廉士(Lindsay Tasman Ride)中校就積極設法逃走,更成功說服他人加入。

根據她女兒Elizabeth Ride Archive公開的戰時日記,賴廉士進入戰俘營之後很快就計劃逃走,更提及他的學生兼部下-港大醫學院文員、戰地救護隊代理下士李耀標(Lee Yiu-piu)。以下為日記內容:






我與庫姆斯(Coombes)詳談逃走計劃,並踏出了第一步,把李耀標調過來方便他逃走。我又跟比法士准將(Brigadier Peffers)談及計劃,獲他批准。







同年5月,賴廉士於曲江成立英軍服務團(British Army Aid Group),致力營救在港戰俘和政商要人,並進行情報工作。


Thursday 1st January 1942.

Very bright clear day. N.W. still blowing. Inspected camp and found it for the most part in filthy condition. Latrines terrible and drains blocked. 1st Mx easily the best.

Nips did not come today as they promised, to take the cases away, nor did they bring the equipment. They are full of empty promises but never intend to do anything.

Arranged to feed with Winnipeg Grenadiers. Opened Isolation Hosp for dysenteries and put Albert in charge.

Had long talk with Coombes re moving [escaping] and took 1st step and had Lee transferred over here so that he can slip away easily. Told Brigadier Peffers of the plans and he approved.

Had water fixed up, and enjoyed a good wash. Much buying going on through the fence 3 buns for a dollar 1 bottle of beer $2 or 2 for $5. Pur ves bought kettle for $5 and then we found it had a hole in it.

Had some pork with our rice this evening so put some bully with it and had quite a good feed. Breakfast we had some of our own rice and made it with remnants from last night. We had this at 10 a.m. At 12 we had the rice issued to us for breakfast along with biscuits and some tea.

Had walk round after dark and think best way is by boat from the pier after full moon.

Scrounged an iron bed today and hope it will be more comfortable than the concrete.

Had Lee transferred to us today ostensibly to cook rice for patients but actually to make get away easier.”


Elizabeth Ride Archives




服務團其中一項影響香港命運的秘密任務,就是1945年8月英方知悉日本即將投降,命賴廉士派員接觸身在戰俘營的輔政司詹遜(Franklin Gimson),搶先恢復英國管治。身負此任的梁昌,就是經何鴻燊協助脫離香港加入英軍服務團。


英軍服務團盾徽由團員梁宗義於大戰結束前畫成,團內大部份地圖亦由他繪製。盾徽中的拉丁文”Spes. Salutis”代表希望及救亡(Hope and Salvation),大家可以留意盾徽上的左右兩個星號的象徵意義。

1956年,賴廉士晉升准將,其 No.1 dress軍裝及配劍現藏於香港大學檔案中心。//
2022-01-09 23:11:33
(English text below)

1942年1月初,防衛軍野戰救傷隊醫官賴廉士中校與他在香港大學和防衛軍的華人助手李玉彪(李耀彪)共同策劃了逃脫計劃。1月7日,賴廉士決定逃出戰俘營:「我告訴莫德庇將軍(駐港英軍司令) ...... 我不認為情況將會有所改善。我認為天氣變暖時,我們根本無法使用這些原始設備預防痢疾... 」


[Underground Resistance and Guerrila Warfare] After the fall of Hong Kong, around 11,000 Allied servicemen became prisoners of war (POWs). They were sorted and interned in POW camps in Sham Shui Po, Argyle Street, Ma Tau Chung, and North Point.

In early January 1942, Lt. Col. Lindsay Ride of the Field Ambulance, Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Force hatched his escape plan with Lee Yiu Piu, his Hong Kong Chinese assistant at HKU and the Volunteers. On 7 January, Ride decided to escape from the POW camp:

I now told General [Christopher] Maltby.... that I could not ascribe to the general opinion that [the situation] would improve with time. My opinion was that when the warmer weather came it would be impossible to stop the dysentery with the primitive facilitates at our disposal....

On 9 January, Ride, Lee, and two other officers escaped from Sham Shui Po Camp on a sampan and then reached Lai Chi Kok. They then walked up Eagle's Nest and trekked along Kowloon Ridge. After reaching Sha Tin, the party turned east and reached Sai Kung on 12 January, where they met members of the Chinese communist guerrillas. The party then left Hong Kong on boat and reached Nationalist-controlled Waichow on 18 January, nine days after their escape.

有關英軍服務團 About the British Army Aid Group:https://digital.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/history/baag.php?lang=tc (English: https://digital.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/history/baag.php?lang=EN)
#wwii #hongkong #hongkonghistory #bohk1941 #battleofhongkong #digitalexperience #digitalhumanities #香港戰役 #香港保衛戰 #太平洋戰爭 #第二次世界大戰 #抗日戰爭

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