那時華納並沒有公開回覆此消息的真偽,但照目前的情況看來,米高基頓真的有可能成為新的 DC 影視宇宙的領頭人。
Damian_W2021-12-23 14:43:44
Keaton: Business is good
阿阿阿阿閃2021-12-23 15:25:19
寧願佢講Ben係JL比Darkseid殺死 Batgirl接手
Dick_Grayson2021-12-23 16:16:03
屌你老母呀華納 無人想睇老batman 呀 收皮啦
無敵大鷄巴2021-12-23 17:00:46
無敵大鷄巴2021-12-23 19:56:52
澤囝救樂壇2021-12-23 20:04:48
其實嗰重組搞成點 華納班管理層真係on9唔係扮㗎可唔可以換曬佢
無敵大鷄巴2021-12-23 20:25:24
阿阿阿阿閃2021-12-23 22:19:28
In Warner Bros. 2022 preview, ‘The Flash’ casting list has included Michael Shannon and Antje Traue.
Earlier, film critic and scooper Grace Randolph, suggests the Flash will visit the events of ‘Man of Steel,’ possibly meeting the two Kryptonian villains.
“Last I heard Barry visits Metropolis during that fight so maybe he interacts with Zod.”
阿阿阿阿閃2021-12-23 22:19:52
In last year's DC FanDome, producer Barbara Muschietti confirmed ‘The Flash’ will serve as a restart for the DCEU.