用紅軸 leopold手感會唔會差過flico? 想一步到位係咪prefer flico?
邊隻custom 好過Filco? 點好法呢?有興趣,請指教
邊隻custom好唔過filco? 宜家run緊嘅有隻UK78, TX1800v2
有隻IC緊嘅fox orange睇落都唔錯,TKL嚟
比Filco 按鍵更實嗎?
其實custom 有咩好處?
即係手感上,如Razer 青軸 vs Filco 青軸,如果用同一set keycap 都肯得Filco 感覺"實啲"。
咁custom vs Filco, 如同一set keycap,手感上Custom 會較好嗎?
Quote from https://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=80503.0
"Most mechanical keyboards are relatively similar nowadays since their typing characteristic mostly depend on the switch and most are cherry anyways. After that is mounting (most are plate mounted anyways) and keycap materials (can easily be replaced)
The things that makes keyboard differ would be practical factor such as:
Macro/FN key binds and customizability.
What type of stabs are used.
Shape, such as the initial tilt of the keyboard without feet and amount of tilt with the feet out.
If the connector cable is detachable.
Where the connector leaves the keyboard."
Custom好處係成隻Keyboard係Tailor Made,你想點就點。
Case唔同用料已經係手感上好大分別,另外Switch可以完全跟你要求Tune。自己配Switch Housing/Stem/Spring/Lube。以上嘅野係你隻Filco永遠都俾唔到你。而上面講嘅只係Custom嘅皮毛野。
Thanks Brother!
睇來睇去好似TKL先多野玩,邊度有custom kit/part for 104?
或者就TKL + Standalone Numpad,但中間 home/end/pageup/down/ arrow 我都常用,so sad