德國國會通過由Olaf Scholz出任總理

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2021-12-08 17:32:39
2021-12-08 17:34:30

The German Bundestag elected Olaf Scholz as chancellor on Wednesday morning, as Angela Merkel bows out from the political stage.

The morning vote by Germany's lower legislative chamber — held by secret ballot and without debate — was seen as a formality.

President of the Bundestag Bärbel Bas opened the voting. Members of the parliament voted by 395 of 707 votes cast for Scholz to become Germany's new head of government.
2021-12-08 17:35:54
2021-12-08 17:37:11
2021-12-08 17:38:33
When the subject turned to China, Scholz took a softer tone reminiscent of Merkel's nonconfrontational approach toward Beijing. Specifically, Scholz faced a grilling over the upcoming Winter Olympics in Beijing only a day after the U.S. announced it would send only athletes — and no government officials — to the event, in a diplomatic boycott over human rights concerns. Scholz didn't answer directly about whether Berlin would follow suit.

Instead, he said Germany would "deliberate carefully" and make its decision in an international context. Yet he also emphasized the need to seek a cooperative approach with China: "We think it's important to do everything you can to make the world work together internationally, and any actions you take in each case need to be carefully weighed. In a world that needs to work together, it's also about taking advantage of the signals of cooperation."

當話題轉向中國時,舒爾茨語氣柔和,讓人想起默克爾對北京的非對抗態度。具體來說,就在美國宣布將只派運動員而不是政府官員參加奧運會後一天,舒爾茨就即將在北京舉行的冬奧會面臨著對人權問題的外交抵制。 Scholz 沒有直接回答柏林是否會效仿。

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2021-12-08 23:22:36
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