其實好似Q3 ER已經講係end of year,Q4 再重申end of year,
e.g. 我買OCGN嗰陣,有時啲印度新聞出bearish嘅news,好多人即刻話fake news,我嗰刻都會先入為主唔信,到炒完檢討嗰陣先發現其實一路好多signal講WHO要10~11月先批,只係嗰陣好容易傾向淨係相信bullish嘅資訊,而唔信bearish嘅嘢
Kapok2021-12-02 18:19:48
- FDA - PMA. The 180-day product has already been distributed for review. The lead reviewer who reviews sections of the applications is now coming back and forth with questions. Based on the scope of the questions being asked, they expect that they are heading towards the end of the year for approval or closely thereafter (but no promises).
係end of the year / closely thereafter
Kapok2021-12-02 18:21:57
咁其實佢講得end of year / thereafter,其實即係佢expect最快都要12月中至尾,咁12月頭就期望有news會否有點不切實際