As you'll soon see, the lack of optimized thread scheduling can greatly impact performance with Windows 10 systems, at least in some situations. To be clear, Windows 10 does have limited support for hybrid-optimized thread scheduling due to optimizations for Intel's Lakefield chips. However, while Windows 10 is aware of hybrid topologies, meaning it knows the difference between the performance and efficiency of the different core types, it doesn't have access to the thread-specific telemetry provided by Intel's hardware-based solution.
As a result, threads can and will land on the incorrect cores under some circumstances, which Intel warned could result in higher run-to-run variability in benchmarks. It will also impact the chips during normal use with Windows 10, too.
Additionally, we found that performance can be inconsistent on Windows 10, with some programs running faster at times but slower at others. This seems to become more prevalent during multitasking, but we're still working to fully quantify the impact — its variable nature makes it hard to pin down.
最大問題係好多時,尤其是單核時綁死 win 11 先得。 新嘢要配Thread director 唔係問題,但問題係 tread director 淨係話俾 win 11 知點分核,win 11 同有為 win 11 配套以外嘅嘢全部死得。
呢個唔係 bug 嘅話,使鬼出 patch補飛。佢試下唔好出 或者你試下唔好用?
買12代除咗全部配新嘢外,得 E core 性能
舊式防盜係 minor 嘢嘅話,win 11外都會自動用 e-core 玩單核遊戲好明顯有問題。
如果係windows 自己問題應該要做到好似以前 windows capability issues 咁可以windows入面自己修改。
新嘢唔支援年代久遠概舊嘢好合理,但對現行嘅系統都唔支援 or 無預備好支援計劃已經係一個 bug。唔通我做嘢又要預你啲軟件全部支援曬先可以繼續做? 定係你出新嘢其實唔預俾我即刻正常用?
如果現行嘢用都用唔到就直接叫失敗,12代咁用到但使用上有瑕疵叫有 bug。 不過瑕不掩瑜之餘,個bug係嚟緊會 fix 到而中間唔會有大問題咁解。