norman smith @BBCNormanS
Senior Tories say Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend or leadership challenge on Monday
Nick Timothy resigns as Theresa May aide
norman smith @BBCNormanS
Senior Tories say Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend or leadership challenge on Monday
norman smith @BBCNormanS
Senior Tories say Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend or leadership challenge on Monday
Nick Timothy resigns as Theresa May aide
norman smith @BBCNormanS
Senior Tories say Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend or leadership challenge on Monday
Nick Timothy resigns as Theresa May aide
#Breaking:Theresa May's joint chief of staff Fiona Hill has also resigned, a Tory spokesman said
[轉貼]歐洲動態: 蘇格蘭救了文翠珊
自八十年代戴卓爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)的政策重挫蘇格蘭工業後,保守黨在蘇格蘭已成為票房毒藥,在蘇格蘭民族黨(SNP)冒起前,蘇格蘭是工黨的天下,因此在國會大選中,工黨可以以較小的全國得票率領先幅度,就可控制國會,而保守黨在同樣領先幅度下是不可能獲過半議席的。同時,當保守黨是執政黨時,蘇格蘭人便會說,是英格蘭選民向蘇格蘭人施加一個「削支保守黨政府」。
諷刺的是,在2017大選,最終令首相文翠珊(Theresa May)可以立即自稱擁足夠議員支持留任的,卻是蘇格蘭,箇中的功臣是保守黨蘇格蘭支部主席戴慧沁(Ruth Davidson,照片來自路透社)。
先說「保守黨蘇格蘭支部」的歷史。現時的「保守黨蘇格蘭支部」在1965年才出現,由保守黨在蘇格蘭的分支跟「蘇格蘭統一黨」(Unionist Party)合併而成。德國基社盟(CSU)與基民盟(CDU)是2個截然不同的政黨,「保守黨蘇格蘭支部」跟英國保守黨的關係未割裂至此,但他們有很大的自主性,這方面會高於保守黨在英格蘭各地(例如倫敦)的支部。
保守黨是在戴卓爾年代起才一蹶不振,在此前4屆大選(01、05、10和15)只有1個國會議員來自蘇格蘭,在1997年大選更是0。所以,過去7年保守黨執政時,蘇獨派便以這點來證明英國中央政府不代表蘇格蘭。SNP前領袖薩蒙德(Alex Salmond)便曾說:「在蘇格蘭,熊貓的數目較保守黨議員還要多。」(愛丁堡動物園有2隻熊貓「甜甜」和「陽光」)。
不過,戴慧沁成功在這次大選中,帶領保守黨在蘇格蘭的議席數目由1席大增至13席,全蘇得票率由15%急升至29%,繼去年蘇格蘭地方選舉後,再一次壓倒工黨,成為蘇格蘭第二大黨。她更重要的功績是,把薩蒙德及SNP國會黨團領袖Angus Robertson擊退,把蘇獨派氣勢壓下來,相信由現在去到2021年下次蘇格蘭議會選舉時,SNP都不敢再提蘇獨公投。
更長遠一點,大家已開始揣測,戴慧沁會成為全國保守黨的黨魁及英國首相。38歲的戴慧沁在2011年接掌蘇格蘭保守黨,她在2016年脫歐公投中的全國電視辯論表現出色,政界自此就認為她有力問鼎英國首相;在這次大選後,她被看好可接任黨魁/首相的程度再上升,目前只僅次外相莊漢生(Boris Johnson),熱門程度與脫歐大臣戴偉德(David Davis)、內政大臣盧綺婷(Amber Rudd)差不多。如果由一個在大選中暫時拯救了文翠珊的人拉她下馬,恐怕是另一個諷刺。
戴慧沁目前強調她支持文翠珊。另外,她是蘇格蘭議會議員,不具備接任首相的資格,暫時她的目標應是取代蘇格蘭首席大臣司徒瑾(Nicola Sturgeon)。一旦她決定轉換跑道,由(蘇格蘭議會所在地)愛丁堡聖魯德(Holyrood)轉戰(國會所在地)倫敦西敏,這就是她想角逐保守黨黨魁以至英國首相的訊號。
norman smith @BBCNormanS
Senior Tories say Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend or leadership challenge on Monday
Nick Timothy resigns as Theresa May aide
#Breaking:Theresa May's joint chief of staff Fiona Hill has also resigned, a Tory spokesman said
norman smith @BBCNormanS
Senior Tories say Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend or leadership challenge on Monday
Nick Timothy resigns as Theresa May aide
#Breaking:Theresa May's joint chief of staff Fiona Hill has also resigned, a Tory spokesman said
norman smith @BBCNormanS
Senior Tories say Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill must be sacked this weekend or leadership challenge on Monday
Nick Timothy resigns as Theresa May aide
#Breaking:Theresa May's joint chief of staff Fiona Hill has also resigned, a Tory spokesman said
Tory MPs have told BuzzFeed News they are deeply concerned that any alliance with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) could cause serious damage to the Conservative party's public image owing to the Northern Irish party's record on LGBT and abortion rights.
Politicians on the modernising wing of the Conservatives fear the party's progress in appealing to minorities could be wasted, and say they are already receiving large volumes of correspondence from constituents concerned about a formal alliance with a party that has consistently blocked same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, and opposed any move to legalise abortion.
"I will knock on a door in a leafy village and they will say 'my nephew's gay – you've just joined with a party who hates gays'," said the MP. "Then I will spend 20 minutes explaining it's confidence and supply. By which time I've lost.
Tory MPs have told BuzzFeed News they are deeply concerned that any alliance with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) could cause serious damage to the Conservative party's public image owing to the Northern Irish party's record on LGBT and abortion rights.
Politicians on the modernising wing of the Conservatives fear the party's progress in appealing to minorities could be wasted, and say they are already receiving large volumes of correspondence from constituents concerned about a formal alliance with a party that has consistently blocked same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, and opposed any move to legalise abortion.
"I will knock on a door in a leafy village and they will say 'my nephew's gay – you've just joined with a party who hates gays'," said the MP. "Then I will spend 20 minutes explaining it's confidence and supply. By which time I've lost.
Tory MPs have told BuzzFeed News they are deeply concerned that any alliance with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) could cause serious damage to the Conservative party's public image owing to the Northern Irish party's record on LGBT and abortion rights.
Politicians on the modernising wing of the Conservatives fear the party's progress in appealing to minorities could be wasted, and say they are already receiving large volumes of correspondence from constituents concerned about a formal alliance with a party that has consistently blocked same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, and opposed any move to legalise abortion.
"I will knock on a door in a leafy village and they will say 'my nephew's gay – you've just joined with a party who hates gays'," said the MP. "Then I will spend 20 minutes explaining it's confidence and supply. By which time I've lost.
DUP 好似仲要係climate change deniers 同 anti-abortion。
Tory MPs have told BuzzFeed News they are deeply concerned that any alliance with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) could cause serious damage to the Conservative party's public image owing to the Northern Irish party's record on LGBT and abortion rights.
Politicians on the modernising wing of the Conservatives fear the party's progress in appealing to minorities could be wasted, and say they are already receiving large volumes of correspondence from constituents concerned about a formal alliance with a party that has consistently blocked same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, and opposed any move to legalise abortion.
"I will knock on a door in a leafy village and they will say 'my nephew's gay – you've just joined with a party who hates gays'," said the MP. "Then I will spend 20 minutes explaining it's confidence and supply. By which time I've lost.
DUP 好似仲要係climate change deniers 同 anti-abortion。
fb好似掃過下 唔肯定
Tory MPs have told BuzzFeed News they are deeply concerned that any alliance with the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) could cause serious damage to the Conservative party's public image owing to the Northern Irish party's record on LGBT and abortion rights.
Politicians on the modernising wing of the Conservatives fear the party's progress in appealing to minorities could be wasted, and say they are already receiving large volumes of correspondence from constituents concerned about a formal alliance with a party that has consistently blocked same-sex marriage in Northern Ireland, and opposed any move to legalise abortion.
"I will knock on a door in a leafy village and they will say 'my nephew's gay – you've just joined with a party who hates gays'," said the MP. "Then I will spend 20 minutes explaining it's confidence and supply. By which time I've lost.
DUP 好似仲要係climate change deniers 同 anti-abortion。
fb好似掃過下 唔肯定